Sweet Like Syrup

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Ao3 by : naturallyvante


After his Saturday night radio gig, Yoongi has a sudden craving for pancakes and decides to check out the diner across the street from the studio.

The pancakes are delicious, of course, but not as delicious as the handsome waiter working the overnight shift.


Yoongi had been told his entire life that he had the voice for radio.

There were kind, professional remarks from his professors at college when he had studied film and media stating that it was unique and would draw the audience in, and that he should consider radio or even try to dabble in voice acting.

And then there was the horny, borderline inappropriate comments from his friends that went something like, “you could seriously make people come by just the sound of your sexy voice.”

That particular comment was from Jeon Jungkook, his much younger friend who was in a smaller friend group that encouraged Min Yoongi to take a break from his 9-5 during the week and try to make people come by just the sound of his voice on Saturday nights doing radio.

It’s been about three weeks and Yoongi finds that his new work at a local radio station is turning out to be more of a hobby than a part-time job. Jungkook’s college friend had another friend who had a friend who knew the owner of a late night jazz station downtown, and so the connection was surprisingly easy to find (it’s all about the connections!) They needed someone every Saturday night temporarily and he figured, why not?

When he was younger and fresh out of college himself, Yoongi had already gone through the whole existential crisis of what to do with his life. He had grandiose plans of moving to LA to be a bigshot director and live this glamorous life in the American film industry, but that was seriously just a phase. Now Yoongi works a desk job right here in Seoul and he’s not upset about it, not at all. He loves his home and he definitely prefers his comfortable lifestyle.

It’s just that the radio gig is becoming something really close to what he had been looking for when he was right out of college, and he’s really been looking forward to every weekend. It’s become something that has started getting him through the normalized work week.

So this weekend Yoongi shows up as he has been and tonight will be his fourth show. He takes care of the studio and is respectful with the space. He knows this is just temporary but he can’t help but treat it like he’s been here for much longer, like this desk is his own, that this microphone is one that he picked out specifically, and silly things like that. The funniest part was that Yoongi had to learn everything he could about jazz so he could actually do the show. He’s always loved music so that definitely wasn’t an issue, and there is something so sensual and private about these nights alone in the studio. The other floors had their own late night hosts and shows of various different flavors and whatnot, but Yoongi’s jazz segment feels more intimate. He likes to turn the lights down and pretend it was just him in the entire building, speaking into the microphone like he was speaking to just one person. And maybe there really was only one person out there listening to him introduce the songs at 12:30am.

Since Yoongi doesn’t work there full time or anything, he doesn’t like to make a mess and didn’t bring any food to snack on. Tonight he finds himself starving after the segment is over and oddly enough he has a very particular craving.

He ruffles his blonde hair as he leaves, throws on his black bomber jacket and shoulders his work bag. When he steps out onto the streets of the city it’s just past 3:00am. Convenient stores are open, of course, he could grab a cup of ramen and eat on the go, or even get some fast food but he doesn’t believe it will sedate this craving he has.

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