Pearling Down Your Neck

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Ao3 by - PeonyTaegi


Yoongi regrets not indulging in the kissing too, when it all started. He was young and insecure back then. He had built a shell around himself, easily shying away from physical touch. He deplores not jumping into it when they were shameless and lighthearted, and their younger age excused such behavior.

As they grew older it became harder and harder to cross that bridge, the carefreeness of youth fading, giving way to the reserved attitude society deemed more appropriate for adults. The other members, mindful of his boundaries, stopped egging him on to partake in the intoxicated kisses, thus removing the only excuse he could have had to cave to their temptations.

That’s his loss, his very big loss.


There have been a lot of parties in the Bangtan dorms. In the first ones, where they were all huddled around the coffee table, bumping knees and falling onto each other's laps whenever they burst into fits of laughter, compelled to share the same space as it was cramped, and for their warmth to meld. But also in the office building, and their next dorms, and their current too, that has a huge living room but still finds them piled onto each other on the couch because old habits die hard and you don’t know personal space when you’ve shared as much as them, don’t want any.

There have been a lot of parties, during which countless ludicrous things happened. They lathered up the floor and organized a slip and slide contest in a corridor once, had a cake war after Jungkook slammed Jimin’s birthday treat in his face, and let’s not talk about the first time they got truly wasted, a disaster that made dance practice in the morning ten times harder. But what could be the most shocking if revealed to the face of the world, is the amount of kissing that occurs between some of the members during those parties.

Inevitably, when you put a bunch of young adults bursting with hormones together, and let them fall into the unpredictable territories of intoxication, things are bound to get out of hand. 

It happened for the first time pretty early on in their career, right after debut, when they started to have concrete things to celebrate for. On one night, to no one’s real surprise but a lot of loud yells, Jimin crawled predatorily above a tipsy Taehyung, gawky limbs splayed on the floor, and planted a very sloppy kiss to his lips. And the latter indulged him, ever the enthusiast, visibly very pleased to be on the receiving end of such an affectionate act.

Everyone was shocked, but their friendship was already past being judgmental of each other’s actions or preferences, and being drunk helped deemphasize the situation. Their first reaction was simply to roll with laughter at Hoseok's wide round eyes and gaping mouth. Soon, Jimin was back to dancing with a satisfied smirk and Taehyung was still on the floor, and it felt like nothing big had happened.

Still, the doors that event opened never completely shut after that. When you’re very close and under the beguiling influence of alcohol, it’s easy to surrender to the simmering sensation of arousal the intoxicating liquid stirs, how it prickles under your skin, especially when you don’t have enough time to meet people outside of your inner circle, nor build a trusting relationship with them.

If you asked Yoongi about it today, he would say it isn’t suitable for men their age to still act like horny teenagers and latch onto each other, that they have to grow up and be more mature with their affection, but it would just be his bitterness speaking.

In reality, he regrets not indulging in the kissing too, when it all started. He was young and insecure back then. He had built a shell around himself, easily shying away from physical touch. He deplores not jumping into it when they were shameless and lighthearted, and their younger age excused such behavior. He knows he could have played any members’ game, walked straight to any of them for a kiss and no one would have bat an eye. Even Seokjin or Namjoon, shier and subtler with their physical demonstrations of affection, had sometimes indulged in it. 

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