Getting Lost In His Loving Was The First Mistake

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Ao3 by : Shard of Moon (ShardofMoon)

Summary :

Yoongi meets mysterious biker V and decides that while he doesn't like racing, he is more than willing to take him for a ride.



“Mmhmm...just to clarify, you’re taking me somewhere to fuck me right?”

V revved the motorcycle.

“I am now.”



Yoongi only came to these races to support his best friend Jungkook and to be his ride home in case he lost his bike.

The stakes at these races were simple, the winner got ten thousand dollars or your bike, whichever was most expensive.

Jungkook seldom lost but it had happened once or twice. Racing was Jungkook’s way of destressing from his job as a professional gamer.

Yoongi couldn’t relate, racing seemed really stressful to him.

The boy was excited tonight because a particular racer he had been wanting to compete against had popped up and was rumored to be coming tonight.

The racer went by the name V and was known for three things: one, riding a golden Ducati, two, never showing his face and three, being undefeated.

“Hyung! I want that bike from him so bad. If I got it, I would never lose another race!” Jungkook gushed.

Sometimes, Yoongi wondered if Jungkook was really twenty-four, and not still sixteen. He had an extremely boyish face sitting on top of a muscular frame and was constantly energetic.

“So you’re going to ride the bike that Jimin just bought you?” Yoongi asked, they were hanging out in his truck waiting for the races to start up for the night.

They were at the track, an old air-field belonging to one of the organizers, that they used for the races. There was reduced danger of police raids so they could be more relaxed.

“He knows I might lose it.” Jungkook said with a grin.

"He won’t care, this is for fun, Hyung.’

Some people really had too much money.

“Shit he’s here… let’s get out, I want to talk to him.”

“Do I have to go with you?”

“Of course, you know I’m shy.”

Yoongi sighed and disembarked, dragging his fingers through his hair, and walking reluctantly behind Jungkook.

Jungkook was dressed in all black leather and in that they matched.

Yoongi was also in all black for the most part, though his sneakers were black and yellow.

He had worn his favorite jacket with the words “Property of No-one” on it and short pants, with sheer stockings on his legs.

People were staring at him, but Yoongi didn’t care, yes he was bi, yes he was femme, they could choke on their prejudice and die for all he cared.

He knew he looked fabulous.

“I forgot you were half-naked until we got out and people started to stare.” Jungkook said in a stage whisper.

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