Big Dick

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Ao3 by : Ang3llls, syringe

Summary :

Yoongi finds himself in a situation:

- Jimin and Jungkook don't let him sleep
- His favorite pan is burned
- He is TOO good of a friend
- and he suddenly likes big dick. That is attached to no other than Kim taehyung.

And all of it is Park Jimin's fault.

(continuation of Goldilocks and the Three cocks by @syringe) (

Notes :

For syringe.
Inspired by Goldilocks and the Three Cocks by syringe.
Long time no see queens... Anyways, here is a fic continuing on @syringe 's universe on her fic Goldilocks and the Three Cocks. This is the Taegi version.
1st chapter- intro (7/11/21)
2nd chapter- meet (7/16/21)
3rd chapter- smut :)))) (12/28/21)

Enjoyyy babes.


Chapter 1: Intro: Idiots. Absolutely stupid idiots.

The last few weeks have been hell for poor Min Yoongi. Not only does he have to complete his first draft of his music theory thesis and submit it to his dildo of a professor by Friday, but he was also sexually harassed by his best friend during that... interaction he had with Jimin the other day. Not only did it leave him embarrassed, but it also left him confused, and albeit a bit curious.

Oh and to make things even better, the fucking cherry on top was that Jimin found his perfect top to pop his cherry. Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin were now officially dating, and fucking.

Fucking a lot. Like goddamn bunnies. Or old men when they double their Viagra dose.

Usually, Yoongi would not be opposed to the disgusting amounts of sex Jimin had, he didn’t really care what went in his asshole unless he was safe. He was an adult and his love language seemed to be physical touch, and Yoongi couldn’t really barge into his life as if he owned it.

It was the volume that bothered poor Yoongi. The boy couldn’t sleep at all with the two reaching octaves he didn’t know were humanly possible. It wasn’t even only Jimin! The two freaks were into roleplay so he had the absolute pleasure to listen to Jeon Jungkook grunt and whine when Jimin was speaking all sorts of nasty things to the other guy.

The high pitched words “you look so good riding me sir” from Jeon Jungkook will forever be engraved in Yoongi’s trauma filled brain.

And to make things even worse, this boy is getting into Yoongi’s soft spot even though he makes it his job not to let Yoongi sleep for more than 3 hours throughout the night. Jeon Jungkook was filled with a type of childlike innocence even though he could rail like a fucking beast. He made sure to ask Yoongi anytime he went into the kitchen if he could get some food (it would be a crime if Yoongi said no after the two fucked for 2 hours straight) and left the bathroom clean anytime he used it. The other douchebags Jimin had taken to their humble home before have all either treated the house like shit as if they paid the rent or simply never showed an ounce of courtesy or gratitude to Yoongi.

Yoongi was a simple man, all he needed was some respect and he was happy.

Jungkook was different and that was pissing Yoongi off cause he couldn’t just curse off the kid like he did to the other failed bachelors when they decided to mess with Yoongi and Jimin’s place. Even though Jimin and Jungkook probably have soiled every crevice of their home by now.

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