Fifty Shades of Tae

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Ao3 by : ghost_boii

Summary :

Both of them have been in a relationship with each other for quite some time, the members might have a hunch of what is going on behind closed doors, despite everything Taehyung can only focus on how beautiful his boyfriend, his Yoongi is.


[The original creator hadn’t provided a summary so I did what had to be done, please make do with it. I’m not an expert :')]

Taehyung could swear he’d never lost his breath as fast as when Yoongi walked out of the bathroom, water running in rivulets down his chest and from his hair, clad in nothing but a towel tied loosely around his waist.

Taehyung tried desperately to breathe normally but his efforts only succeeded in a soft whimper emerging from his lips. Yoongi’s head jerked over in his direction as he realized Taehyung was standing a few feet away from him. Red dusted its way quickly across the older boy’s cheeks and nose as his eyes quickly dropped to the floor.

The two of them had started dating each other almost three months ago, with the other members unaware. Taehyung wanted nothing more than to scream from the rooftops about his amazing, talented, attractive as hell boyfriend.

Given their current situation though, it was unfortunately impossible for Taehyung to do so.

But since they’d started seeing each other, not much had really changed with the exception of lingering gazes and hurried kisses exchanged behind closed doors and empty hallways. Taehyung desperately tried to say something but all he could see was that one drop of water trailing its way down Yoongi’s neck, across his collarbone and down his exposed chest.

Before he could pull himself together Taehyung had to watch in disappointment as Yoongi spun around and walked to his own room. Furiously biting his lip Taehyung stood frozen, until he thought ‘fuck it’.

His feet carried him to Yoongi’s room, Taehyung pushing the door open with a determination he didn’t realize he possessed. Yoongi turned to face him so fast he thought the rapper might have gotten whiplash. His jeans sat low on his hips and the towel that had been in his hand fell to the floor.

“Taehyung what-“

Taehyung’s hands cupped Yoongi’s face as he pulled him into a bruising kiss. Yoongi didn’t respond for a few seconds but then his hands found their way to Taehyung’s hips as he reciprocated the kiss eagerly.

Taehyung wound his hands up into Yoongi’s damp hair and he tilted his head, deepening the kiss. Yoongi’s hands gripped Taehyung’s hips tightly until they moved to his chest and pushed him away slightly.

“Tae-Taehyung-ah, the door’s open” Yoongi said breathlessly.

Taehyung looked at Yoongi, hands sitting lightly against his neck, a deep red covering the majority of the rapper’s face. He couldn’t bring himself to look away and Yoongi opened his mouth as if to speak but only pulled back, hands dropping from Taehyung’s chest, moving past him.

Taehyung was about to apologize when Yoongi swung the door shut, locking it swiftly, his hand resting lightly on the handle. Yoongi took a deep breath, his shoulders dropping and his head lowering slightly.

“Hyung?” Taehyung whispered.

Yoongi turned slightly, enough for Taehyung to see his darkened expression. He moved away from the door, coming back to the side of the bed where Taehyung still stood.

“Yoongi-hyung” Taehyung said softly, Yoongi’s hands moving back to Taehyung’s hips.

“Shut up Tae” Yoongi mumbled, face still red as he stretched to connect their lips once again.

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