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Ao3 by : LoveVirgin

Summary :

Hanaemi: "flowering smile"; a smile that is as beautiful as blooming flowers.

Where Yoongi is a sad little bean and his boyfriend Taehyung tries to make him feel better.


It doesn't take a rainy day or a mean comment to make Yoongi feel small and weak. Not a bad attitude or particularly sad drama or song.

No, usually it was his own thoughts that made him fall apart. Not knowing things, having too much or too little on his mind. A good way to make him just about collapse was to sneak something in his line of view, like perhaps something about how gay marriage was still illegal in Korea, or how most of his friend's and his own parents were kind, except when the thought of their children being with another man crossed their mind.

Show him a picture of a frowning Taehyung, or how he looked particularly happy with a past lover. It didn't make him jealous, not really---they were boyfriends now, it didn't really matter to him who he dated in the past---but the thought of him being unhappy with him, or that he's possibly using him for some reason or another, makes him want to die, it felt.

But Taehyung wasn't like that, and that wasn't why he was like this at the moment.

He'd talked to his parents earlier, and had tried to get them to warm up to him being bi once again, and he should really just listen to his and Taehyung's friends already and stop trying so hard, because it was starting to get unrealistic looking, but he couldn't help it.

Growing up with not much other than family, he couldn't really just give them up with a turn of his head. And he hated fighting for them, with them, he hated this push and pull relationship, but this particular talk got to him.

They hadn't even said anything cruel. They never do, it's usually just misguided judgement mixed in with old-views basically completely outdated by anyone around his age, but Taehyung's parents are actually warm and understanding and Yoongi wishes so hard that he could have that.

But he realized when he'd hung up on them that it wouldn't happen---at least, any time soon. Maybe if they saw how Taehyung treated him better than any before, how they loved each other, they'd see differently, but he didn't want to go through any more heartbreak.

So now he's just sitting here, on his and Taehyung's bed, curled in on himself as the rain patters harshly against the window to the side of him, and it's all very stereotypical and usually he likes warmer weather but he can't help but feel as though the setting outdoors is fitting, perfect.

He wishes that Tae was home, though. He just wants a hug, is all. Preferably from accepting parents and various other family members, but he has a warm, big boyfriend to settle down his needs, he supposes.

He should put on music, to match the mood, finish the touch of ultimate sadness and teen angst he still harbors, but the sound of the front door opening makes him jump up like a lonely puppy, eyes wide and lips in a puffy pout from biting them so much.

Taehyung's footsteps are somehow calming, the methodic way they have this type of beat to them as if he's still dancing, and how his voice carries out through their whole home when he calls out a ,

"I'm home, Yoongi Hyung!"

And isn't he just the sweetest thing ever, the cutest and loveliest being that he had the privilege to hold and touch him whenever he pleased.

Wrapping a blanket around him, he steps out of their room despite his heart panting harshly in his rib cage, screaming at him to lie down and wallow in his despair and self-pity, make his eyes darker the more he closes them.

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