Untitled Part 3

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On the road between the tents, in the distance, about a hundred yards away, an eight-year-old form lies on the back of a boy's black paripa. From the side . And elbows her five-brown hair and supports it with his right hand , his face towards Attila .

No one notices Oguz lying on the back of the trotting horse.

Urkon called it that because he was born in battle, on the battlefield, and his mother was killed by an arrow. He took over the chariot wall. It was named after that arrow. Oguz.

Eskam, the "great priest" —taltos — helped the world there in the thick of the battle on the chariot . At least Urk o n says that, and if He does, it is so . My son-in-law , as he took the boy out of his dead mother, said , "This child is indestructible ! " And he gave Urko hands of Him who still sees her mother's eyes on his face, Ilda.

Oguz watched his brother silently as he knelt in front of Attila. He was not interested in the mighty warlord, prince, or king, as some call him, but the sword Aldar held before him . He heard every word from a distance. He didn't understand much of their sense , but he heard it. With the fingers of B al's foot, he sought a grip on his horse's ebony mane and pulled back carefully but more forcefully, commanding him to stop.

Pej, because that's what he called the horse, he felt on the pull that something was wrong. Something has changed. He is no longer the Oguz who he took to the field an hour ago and raced with him in the wind.

The boy was a real white Hun at his best. Her hair is light brown, long , shoulder-length . His eyes are black. Her skin is snow white and her nose is straight. Her face is charming. His bare body was covered by a single lower in the moon of the Sun God. Sunlight reflected on his lean muscles. It was a common sight among the Huns, but not with an eight-year-old boy, but with a twelve-year-old. But no one knew Og u zt from this huge army , so their age was not guessed.

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