Untitled Part 185

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Réka pulled the curtain by the window and looked at the castle courtyard with interest. A young peasant who arrived on a black-haired paripa aroused his interest. It was an unusual sight in the royal castle for such a lad.

The young boy got off his horse and then walked over to the doormen who crossed their spears in front of him.

- What do you want here, peasant ?! Expand from here or you're dead !!

- I'm looking for Rijeka. The priestess of the taltos.

- Wait here !! The answer came, and one of the gunmen in the background hurried into the building.

The priestess soon arrived along with some members of the Hun Queen's bodyguard. They took the horse's harness from the boy and then escorted the horse to the stables. The boy greeted the woman in her unusual dress warmly. Although it was cold, Rijeka's dress still looked swaying, and she did not cover anything from her beautiful charms.

- Welcome to Rijeka. You are more beautiful than my memories of you since I was a child.

- You've grown well, too, Oguz! Although I heard that your stature became very Dalmatian, I didn't mean it. She gave the boy interesting glances that did not escape her attention. Smiling, they walked side by side and talked.

The priestess ordered food for the royal kitchen, where it was not the ruling family but their confidants who ate it. Oguz took a nice bath and then went to the table accompanied by the servants. After eating, Rijeka said kindly to the boy:

" The queen wants to receive you in the throne room before night falls." Do you have a dress in which you can appear worthily to the monarch of the ruler?

" I have another dress, if that's what Rijeka's for." I don't wear it on Turda's advice. According to him, there is a war, and that would whip up the minds of soldiers, which would have only plunged us into unnecessary fighting along the way.

- You can wear anything worthy of the Queen. Dress up boldly Oguz and let's go to the throne room. Rijeka got up from the table, then left, and the boy left the kitchen.

It was only a short time that Oguz disappeared behind the door and then came out again. His black cloak gleamed at the light of the torches in the hallways. In front of the throne room, the doormen bowed deeply in front of the sight of the young man wearing the black cloak, then opened the door without question.

The queen was away, opposite the door. Towards the throne were beautiful carved stone pillars on either side of the relatively large hall. Their decoration changed them to a golden sheen. The whitish floor just shone with plenty of sanding. It was as if the light of the many torches was shining in it. The boy walked in front of the throne. Behind the columns came the royal taltos, who were now serving Réka while his lord was at war. There was a soft voice in the room. Rijeka gestured to the boy, don't move any closer. Oguz fluttered his cloak back in a single motion, freeing his body armor. With his hand and bow, he signaled worthily to the subject, he knew he was standing in front of his queen.

The throne room faded at once. The taltos stared at Rijeka almost as one, who suddenly began to gasp. Hastily breathing, the word left her mouth soft:

- Seruzad! He whispered, his legs trembling. His brain wildly gave the order to his body to regain his composure.

The royal taltos set out at once, arranged in a semicircle in front of all twenty-one in front of Oguz, and descended to half-knees. Réka watched the scene in amazement. Her body was again captured by the strangely pleasant feeling she felt when she first saw this boy. Only much stronger. He was a child then, but now a man is standing in front of him. Réka said:

- Welcome, Oguz. Don't you know that only a ruler can wear a royal attire into the throne room? And during a war, can only a general wear gorgeous attire? The queen's voice was velvety, almost caressing. There was a soft roar in the room again.

- I mentioned to Rijeka that...

The queen gestured to the boy in silence, then gestured to the priestess to send the taltos still kneeling before the news of this common scene in the castle. After he also sent the queen's servants, and the three of them remained in the throne room, he called the boy closer to him, along with the priestess. They told Oguz in detail what had happened since they returned home. The story of Bleda and Attila, what Réka knows from it. The boy was a little upset at the king's decision that Bleda had not only escaped alive, but could even hold a viceroy title in the East. He did not understand why Eszkam had left Gorda alive. He shared the idea with Réka, and began to prove to Rijeka, the high priest of the taltos, who is the lord of all living taltos and the acquaintance of the dead taltos, doing everything for a reason. The two women enjoyed Oguz's company. Their directness almost embarrassed the boy, and it felt as if something strange word duel was going on between the women, for which He would be the prize.

Their conversation lasted into the night. An elderly woman opened the throne room and turned to Réka:

- Your children have been sleeping majesty for a long time. Do you want anything else before you go to sleep?

- No! The Queen replied angrily, then rose from her throne and headed for the servant. - I'd like to go to bed too.

- Your Majesty. Rijeka said, bowing deeply.

- I hope you have a nice night. There was some contempt in Réka's voice.

- Your Majesty. Oguz said kindly. - Good night to you too.  

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