Untitled Part 160

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The three naked men sat speechless for some time in the barren, bleak area where they had come from the passage. Upon their arrival, they were shocked to note that the place they had arrived did not affect their bodies as much as the earthly conditions. Everything shone in a silvery light. The air was cold and their breathing became difficult. They did not dare to leave the place where they entered here. But when they wanted to stare at the sky, they were shocked by the sight.

They saw a huge, azure sphere above their heads. So they sat down and stared at it with their mouths open. Their backs were propped against the rock wall on which the passageway looked similar to that on the ground from which they had come. Only here there were no night taltos. Horka was the first to say:

" It's prettier than I ever thought." Many times I wanted to see the Earth from above, but I never thought about it.

- The view is truly unparalleled. I'm a little sorry we're going to forget. "Eskam picked the stones in the dust in front of him." - I've seen it like birds. But it's different.

- What are you doing? Oguz looked at the high priest with interest.

" I'm looking for a stone to take notes on my body." - My device was objective.

- Isn't that forbidden? The boy wondered.

- You're right, Oguz. Horka agreed. "That would change a lot if we remembered it later."

" Gorda might have remembered that somehow." The robes in his book thus take on a different meaning, and if I forget this sight, Gorda will always take precedence, "Eszkam argued.

" What if one of us didn't forget?" Oguz's surprising thought caught my attention. He also stopped sorting the stones.

From a distance, a beautiful pair of eyes watched the three figures and listened to their conversation. Her silver hair, which unfolded and surrounded her amazing shapes, was now slowly smoothing back. The voice of human speech called the woman here. He had seen many travelers before, but had not yet heard human speech here. The lonely never spoke. But there were three of them here.

- Who can they be? He asked himself, walking slowly toward the men.

The Queen of the Night, who had sacrificed her permanent existence on earth thousands of years ago to serve the Moon with her body and consciousness, was now beginning to feel an insurmountable desire, a power that had never been felt in her long life.

As he approached the men easily, almost flying, his gaze met that of the young boy.

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