Untitled Part 168

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The metal pallet that secured the young taltos' hands had already injured Velik's neck. His blood had already seen a red stain on his clothes. As he was ushered into the vacated room of one of the accommodations designed for soldiers, his iron boots knocked on the stone floor. There were no windows here. Ventilation was solved through the two doors when the smell became unbearable due to congestion. Eszkam sat calmly in a chair in the middle of the room. He was alone. He motioned for the soldiers dressed in disguise to accompany the prisoner to go out.

The high priest and the prisoner remained only in the room. Eszkam walked over to Velik, then took the peck out of his mouth and removed the bandages from his eyes and top.

- Who are you, young taltos? The high priest's question was definite. He was still behind Velik so that their eyes would not meet.

- You know my device. You know me very well. Perhaps better than yourself.

The high priest was already trying in vain to put the bandage back on the prisoner's eyes and ears. Short words left Velik's mouth. First, the iron gloves bounced off his hands. Suddenly, the metal pallet also fell to the ground. On the two doors, the soldiers dressed as peasants got stuck in the noise, but from the sight their feet were rooted to the ground in front of the door.

The prisoner, whose hands were already free, slowly changed shape. The boots were also removed from his feet. Eskam watched as young Gorda faced him. His strength was indescribable. Gorda murmured more and more spells.

Eskam raised his right hand. He turned his open palm to Gorda, then said:

- I, as the living and ordinary high priest of the living taltos, am. He is familiar with the dead taltos. I, O Eskam, call thee, and I command thee Gorda, that thy strength serve me.

The young Gorda's body stretched at the words of the high priest opposite him. His arms were outstretched as well, his head tilted back slightly. Her tense body slowly rose barely from the ground, then her eyes flashed. Staring at the scene with their mouths open, they pulled back a little, pulling their swords out from under their disguise.

As Gorda's legs returned to the ground, Eskam stared at the taltos with an angry look. His eyes turned black again. His voice was loud as he spoke:

" The paths of your mind are more tangled than mine!" Your thoughts are like servants of light and darkness at the same time! You never gain control of my mind, Eskam!

As he said this, he turned and walked toward the door. The swords of the soldiers in front of them nailed their holders to the wall, almost at the same time as Gorda drew the first canvas into the air with his right hand in front of him. As he stepped out the door, it slammed behind him. The swords that nailed the soldiers to the wall, as if moved by creatures invisible to the human eye, pointed at Eskam with their mountain in the air.

The soldiers behind the high priest stared with outstretched eyes at the guns, which, falling at the only gesture of Eskam, fell on the stone base.

With the fingers clapping their fingers, and the people seemed to have awakened from some strange dream, they immediately began to follow Eszkam, who had gone to Attila.

The high priest did not go to the amusement. He looked out the door at the warlord, who immediately noticed and then headed for him.

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