Untitled Part 16

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Urkon stood silently in front of a modest suede blanket covering the entrance to his Puritan tent. The coat of arms of the tent showed the family profession - like almost everywhere in the poor Hunn l - that they boy was the father of agriculture and warfare . Í ring with straight cutter were at the entrance there stapled, which is the language of the end LOF black area was decorated.

She felt bad. The first come, herding v e a ten heifers casual, but still made for corral. He threw straw in front of them, now waiting. He looks into the distance, his gaze resting on a whirlwind, which he has followed with his eyes from the direction of the far- camped army for seconds . Am io originated.

His thoughts are tangled. It is incomprehensible that Urkon, whose sons are Aldar and Oguz, is there. They had never left the heifers before. This is the first time.

She wears her gray-haired hair, worthy of a good farmer, lowered into the middle of her back. Its cap is conical, not noble. He doesn't even have a pen, for what. Her legs are naked, her soles are crusty, the skin is hard on her. That's why you don't wear shoes. It spares.

Everyone knows his rank , even without outsiders . His word is the contract that sanctifies the exchange between two parties. Because animals can not only replace but gold, but also other animals , boarding house, but also something else as well . D e what if an animal carries a disease , a ship carries a badly experienced leak ? And what if that FAQ keeps that quiet , but you know ?

That is why Urkon asks everyone who comes to contract with the other: - And what is wrong with the animal or what you want to exchange or give ? Do you consider the value of S to be what you say here? Did you pay? Did you give enough of it when the dsz, if not now, how are you going to give if not so?

And if the answer is good for everyone, Urkon will accept it. D e if this is later denied by one of the parties the parties will go to dispute. The king asks them well , you Urkont, before the transaction was concluded, instead of writing . At the word of Urkon , ah it takes Attila's head, but only sometimes, and even then only noble, or if he is his friend. Conversely's pulling öcsögre atj a. Immediately. This is the right or custom here. Who likes that. Because how does the Hun dry the bastard?

Well, it's more like a tree or a pole. On a stake that has a tip . There is also the dressing , whose word liar . But only because it causes harm, and he does not admit it. After a breach, it is no longer possible to bet, it can only be triggered. Life with wealth, and you will even be a prisoner to it, because work is wealth. If you do not bear the shame, the judgment remains .

Well, Urkon is a great man, and he knows all this around him, but He is not in vain or a great man . Only in Urkon. As easily as in the meantime, while Attila the powers not delegated. Already having power. Not for Urk. It's an honor for him.

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