Untitled Part 68

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It was already dark by the time Attila's talt and attendant, with the child and six horses, had crossed the entrance to the Hun royal castle. Oguz sat proudly on Pej's back. The animal has almost regained its old strength. He was no longer lame. The horse was the only one, according to Eskam, that could have contributed to Oguz's rapid recovery. Horka also shared the opinion. While the child was asleep, the taltos told Horka all that she needed to know about the child. He also said that after he graduated here, he would take the child to his father, Gorda.

The Hun warrior offered his services, which the taltos did not refuse. The journey can take up to a year. Help is needed.

Bleda asked the taltos into the throne room. After Eszkam entered, they stared at each other for a long time. The priest felt no change in the invisible force field on which he was surprised. As Attila was a talt, he could not be revered here. Not in front of a secular leader. Bleda's taltos would be immediately empowered to do it, which is not certain they would succeed.

He felt the energy and consciousness of the talts as a whole behind the stakes holding the stakes in the ceiling of the huge room where they hid. Still, he did nothing. He didn't want to be expelled.

Bleda knew full well that Oskam could not attack a secular leader until he had sinned against his people or the taltos order. Initiation was not mentioned.

- What flight to me? Bleda's words sounded friendly.

- Attila sent it to you. He started a war a month ago!

- I know about it. My people have already reported. That's why you shouldn't have gone that far.

- Indeed. Eskam noticed that Bleda's speech was even more modest than usual . His posture also changed. With his right hand, he no longer supports his chin in the usual way because of his charisma. Keep it tighter. - Sent for support.

- Did Gork stay with him? - Bleda was down to earth. - and Jenő?

" You are well surprised, my king." - Oskam understood immediately. He remembered Krall and Gork's relationship before Krall was ousted. He is driving in dangerous terrain. He has to go. If you speak badly now, you can pay with your life. "Gork will soon find the voice with Attila during the war."

- I didn't know that! Bleda's gaze almost pierced Osko's mind, which surprised the talc. - I'm sending the other half of the army. You can notify Attila. In your own way. The king gave him a confidential smile, alluding to their previous meeting.

- Thank you, Your Majesty. - the tanker was about to leave with a deep bow.

- Something else. Krall didn't go for it. I heard they were looking for high priests. I can not help. You can go taltos.

He tilted the finished bearskin head over my head and turned a corner. The blind rage almost made up his mind.

Bled has shamanic thoughts in his mind. Or worse, Krall himself, and the expelled found shamanic knowledge.

As he stormed out, a courtier came across. He carried a sacrificial goblet in his hand. He didn't look at the taltos, but it looked at him well. 

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