Untitled Part 103

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Gorda stood in front of the huge block of steel. He has not yet decided what he will do. He waited for Bleda to show it. Since the last two winters, he has hardly seen it in human form. He replaced him more and more often in the throne room, and that also bothered him. This is not how he imagined secular power. He longed for much more than that, but he no longer really knew what he wanted.

For two full moons, Bleda had lost her mind, at least Gorda thought so. He had not turned against his people until now, but now. He pulled it all up, who only mentioned that he was walking his country in animal form. And there were more and more of them . Stakes adorning the man began to grow beneath the castle walls like some dense forest. The smell of rotting meat filled the capital.

" Are you a great king?"

The wolf was now slowly standing on two legs, then taking on a human form.

"You don't have to play Bleda in front of me." Attila has already heard of your betrayal. Maybe it could be a winter. At best, two.

- As long as you save me, I'm safe.

- Maybe. Bleda. Maybe.

- You're no different than me. Krall says your consciousness will slowly turn into darkness.

- Just like yours, Bleda.

- Why did you call Gorda here? The king could not stand this talent.

He was in vain with him in his head almost every day. Their relationship was one-way. Gorda knew all about it. Bleda, on the other hand, has nothing to do with the taltos. It took a long time to get used to it. This priest was constantly watching. That's how he lived. For his part, it was so useful that Gorda was able to take shape, take his place in the throne room. Then he could easily change. This proved that people are falsely accusing him. Thus, there was a reason for their execution .

- I need you Bleda. You can't change for a while.

- But... you know that...

- I know. Your pains. You haven't mentioned this to Krall yet. You didn't do well. He could have helped you.

- I don't want to. It's so good for me. Call Krall back. He would also sit in the throne room.

- I can't. You are talented in war. You understand the speech.

- What are you up to? Bled's eyes lit up.

- I'm going to Attila. Gorda began to scan Bleda's face. - The war of the peoples must be prepared. The darkness sends his soldiers up.

- You're not overly enthusiastic about Gorda. Bleda grinned. - Why don't you break up your unity?

- I don't know who I tied up with. He knows me. But I don't.

- At least I know Krall. The king grinned. - He owes me too.

- Don't think. He could never have made you among the twenty-one. Not even in the weeks Bleda. I pushed him out. He was only a member of the Twelve at the time. He knew nothing but the initiation. He got his current strength from shamans. That's worth nothing here anymore.

Bleda frowned at Gorda's words. He turned to the headlifter, then looked at him questioningly.

Gorda led the king back, then seated him in the middle of the circle on a stone chair brought into the room by young outcasts. He went back to the book and read a short id text softly from its cover . On the ceiling of the hall a picture of the full moon appeared above Bleda's head. The king looked up at him, then a wolf-howling left his lips. Her body slowly began to tremble, taking the shape of a wolf. As the moon on the ceiling began to fade, Bleda immediately became human.

" From this verb, you will only feel compelled to take on an animal form when the image of the moon in the sky is completed. You will have no pain on other days and nights. When the moon is full, you will be bloodthirsty.

- How long does it take? What is blood thirst?

- You will have to kill Bled. Kill me. It doesn't matter who will be next to you, you will destroy it or it will kill you. Until next summer. Until then, I'll be back.

With that, Gorda left the hall.

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