Untitled Part 150

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The dark cave where the three figures were staying was very dark and quiet. The high priest, with the stones at his disposal, sparked a torch that Horka had brought with him. It caught fire. They waited a little while to get used to its light. The hall may have been huge, as they could only see the wall next to the entrance, not further afield.

Eskam looked at the wall, but could not find that recess. He slowly lowered the torch to the ground. It was very wet. The air is also very humid.

" Haven't you been a high priest here yet?" Horka's question sounded uncertain.

- No. Came the short answer. - But I've heard of the place.

Oskam now noticed a depression in the ground. The consistency of the liquid in it did not resemble water. He slowly let go of the torch, saying:

- Stand right behind me. I don't know where the fire will spread! - barely that he uttered those words, as if a carriage path sign beside them. The flame of the torch did not spread in a straight line. There were countless holes in the socket from which the flame erupted.

- It's not very encouraging! Horka's voice was almost lost in the huge cave hall. The opposite wall was so far away, barely visible.

- Do you have a map for this? Oguz tried to ease the tension a little caused by the high priest's insecurity. Eszkam replied firmly:

" Orientation is almost impossible due to the high flames." They are blinded by their light. Maybe someone has to go back, s ,,,

- Just look at Osijek! Horka nudged the high priest enthusiastically and pointed to the top of the cave hall.

- The universe for him. Everyone should see this.

The ceiling of the cave was very high. In the light of the seemingly plentiful fires, it was not even possible to determine with the naked eye how much. But it was as if covered with some silvery glitter that reflected light. The light that filled even the darkest corner flowed from there. The walls of the cave were painted with rosettes that glistened silvery. Everywhere. from a distance it made the impression that billions of stars in the sky had been seen. Eske began to read the silver roses on the wall.

- It'll take a while. Until then, eat something. There must be a drum here. Find him.

- What do you need? Oguz grew more and more curious. He would never have dreamed he could get to places like this once.

" I've lost my sense of time, and we need to know where the twenty-one are going to the ceremony." We cannot enter the passage until they have reached a certain part of the ceremony. "Eskam was surprisingly honest."

- Is that dangerous? Horka was a little worried now.

" No better than a war with Attila." The high priest's voice distracted Horka from further questions.

- That's not how I want to die. This is not worthy of a warrior.

- Don't grumble that much. Rather look for the drum. Stay by the wall or you may not find it.

- I could fly up to look around. "Oguz would have let go of his wings when Oskam growled."

" And you would burn us with twice as high flames as you stir the air towards us !!" Not everyone is like you Oguz! You don't even know the meaning of these rvs !! Do what I said! Don't hold us back!

- She's fine. I'm coming! I just wanted to help.

Oguz headed in one direction, while Horka headed in the other to comply with Eskam's request.   

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