Untitled Part 42

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Attila reached the field with a huge escort. He took his horse back from the gallop. He had already seen the three figures on the ground. One was tiny, perched on the ground. The two figures dressed in bearskins can only be among their taltos.

No worries. They trotted slowly, then looked around. His gaze looked for Urkon's house. Chief Justice should have come before him. Something is wrong.

As they slowly approached, his feeling seemed to be justified. The carnivorous birds carved carcasses. There was death here.

The march soon reached Oskam, Rijeka, and the boy. Attila looked at Urkon on the ground, then he got off his horse.

He asked the talcent softly:

- What happened?

- I don't know, Attila. Some of the carcasses had already been taken away by the savages. The child only survived. Urkon was already dead by the time I got here. The priestess came after me. He helped heal the child's wounds.

R EKA instinctively glanced off his horse and went Aldar and covered her eyes. He saved the child's mind. He didn't want him to see his father like that. He was a little angry, too. He saw Oguz sitting on the floor. He's in trouble. Arms, head tied. According to them, it is already inescapable. The night of the mind was wounded like that of the mad soldiers healed by the taltos with some grass and verbs. Success could hardly be expected there either. Not just with a child.

Attila gestured to Réka, who escorted Aldar to the end of the procession, then entrusted him to an escort, who set off with him back to the war camp.

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