Untitled Part 155

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Itlar approached at a comfortable pace with his team of forty sent by Bleda to the coffin mountain. The shift horses were not very tired either. They made the trip in one day and night with a rest.

The sight of a huge plateau that could be easily seen from afar flooded Itlar's heart with warmth. He gestured to the riders, then, after a brief discussion, was divided into teams of four. Everyone made their way to other settlements to spread their fame to villages and towns, a storm was preparing.

The sun has just risen. It was discussed that they would meet in Itlar's home village before the night set in the inn. Anyone who had a family on the way got a day out.

The sun was not even on top of the sky when Itlar arrived in his native village. The place was beautiful. It turned purple everywhere in the middle of summer. The scent of the flowers was also pleasant. Comforting. His memories surfaced.

They hurried in front of the villagers. Those who got to know me had already taken the news: - Itlar came home !! Itlar is home !!

The children also ran in front of them. In the background stood a young boy of about twelve years of age with his mother. Itlar got off his horse and headed for them. Then he starts to run slowly, as do the woman and the child. When they met, their happiness was boundless. Seeing their joy, the whole village rejoiced. 

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