Untitled Part 17

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Eska walked behind Attila's footsteps and took to hurry up , m he reached the icon also sátordombról . Attila also wore it to the wilderness before the claim, just to see his golden palace from all sides as is customary. After all, there is a war.

At the bottom of the hill, Eskam was already straight. He has a huge stature, a huge body that commands authority . On the black bearskin cloak, the finished head of the once huge animal is now visible, tilted over its head with an experienced gesture.

Since it is not an unusual sight in the war with shamans, their clothing and not enough of them so different from each other , so dim the wine people do not see any difference between them, so Eska rank no suspects k .

Just someone.

Jenő sees a figure stepping quickly under the black bearskin cloak. Has been seen many times, almost the same as this figure is the day - the day after so many times of Attila the right hand, while he on his left . T öbbször been arguing with him maybe timing issues such as ownership father , or even Attila .

Eugene reached out, took her left arm Eska , who stopped this , but did not draw the sword presented clearly was , but felt dizzy and face the glaring bíborpalást sight . It is a Hun tradition that the nobles fight for strength before the battle, and sometimes they would just fall for fun. The taltos priest is also a warrior, so they have already found him . D e is still alive. This is also his character. Kill , if need be, no matter if the person attacked.

- Eskam!

The talt priest asked Jenő: - Speak!

And Eugene begins: - I know you are wise, like myself, and I think now is common sense , do not you , like myself . There is something wrong with the Roman honey variety of wine. It tastes good, in fact! Even the smell. But I saw something strange from him. I was already fighting a game, and almost a whirlwind, when I finally cleaned up and shut up.

Eskam looked at Jenő suspiciously. He knew what he wanted . L crossed the purple cloak floating next to the black horse from afar, so he asked, "What did you see, good Jenő?"

To this the war-trained responds: - A black horse with a blue -eyed , childish man- shaped gnome on his back, whose dark face changed and his wild gaze slicing Attila to pieces. Mond Eskam. Mushrooms or hemp? Maybe poppy? I mean something shaman in the war here , between us. Such a stealth. Lest he take on us like that.

Eskam doesn't laugh, his burden is bigger than that now, and his time is short. He knows there is something wrong, so he argues only briefly but convincingly . He is not Jenő's kind, his truth is in his own mind : - Mushroom. Jenő. Mushroom. The whirlwind should not be from hemp. Hemp gives birth to transparent shapes. You know, I taught you last year not to believe in shamanic deception , and you experienced yourself then that its smoke and taste are different . Poppies slow down, soothe and make it harder. You wouldn't have jumped on it, let alone on a whirlwind. But you said well, I'll recruit my talks tomorrow. In the meantime, it doesn't matter if you've been drinking it . The contract quality proof is not here. Let's not be alarmed.

That's all they talked about, and then Jenő won't hold Eskam's arm for the last words , so he's in a hurry, but maybe he's running too . Eugene m eg understand Eska's words , and the reason devoured his mind : - So I'm not a fool not. He said to himself , hearing only from Eskam's words, "it doesn't matter if you have already drunk of it . " And it's true. It doesn't matter, but the effect is good. He also turned to the next wine cup.

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