Untitled Part 69

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Horka was waiting in the inn for the tally with the child, who was already sound asleep because of the late hour. Eszkam entered the room softly. He took off his cloak and then changed clothes. Horka watched in surprise as the priest turned into a simple farmer like many here in the city.

- Dress up Horka. - He threw clothes at her too. - We have to leave immediately,

- Where?

- To the nearby mountain. The ceremony could only be there. Shaman cells.

Horka didn't say a word anymore, he just did what the other said and followed it. He was a taltos himself, he knew what my Osko was talking about. If you're right, there's a lot of trouble.

After a short time, they were already at the entrance to a cave. They listened. There was no one inside. The taltos lit a dim torch and then went inside. They soon entered the great hall. Next to the entrance, Eszkam squatted on the ground, then touched the flame of the torch to the floor. There was a strong light in the room as the fire ran around the wall.

They looked around. The dome is closed. Rope in the middle of the room. The priest was interested in the floor. He began to investigate near the middle three circles. He could smell the urine from afar. He knew the initiation was a success. He found what he was looking for. Food leftovers on the substrate. Grease and saliva stains. He already knew everything he wanted. Then he suddenly climbed to the middle circle. He began to examine a stain. He reached in with his index finger. His face distorted with hatred. He smelled it. Blood. He looked away. He ran his hand along the socket. Animal hair stuck to the other hand. Bear. Wolf.

He gestured to Horka, who went there.

- Sit down in front of me. If you see the protein in my eyes, hit it in the face, that you can handle. Don't let me fall.

Horka nodded. Eskam raised a bloody index finger to his mouth. He soon fell in reverence, then murmured a few words and swallowed the blood from his new one.

His eyes soon turned, and before he began to lean, Horka gave him a huge slap. My tool was hoeing for support on the ground.

" Good God's blessing on you, you giant bastard." Even a bear would have been scared of it. I didn't say break your head.

- Don't be mad. Only you said...

- Let's go.

- What did you see?

- You don't want to know. You don't want to know Horka.

The Hun warrior did not doubt the words of the taltos. His mind still lay in ruins from today's experiences. They soon returned to the inn.

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