Untitled Part 57

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Bleda entered the cave early in the evening. He already knew the way alone in the room, so he left his courtier at the entrance, waiting for it for as long as he would, but don't go any closer.

The fires were already burning inside . Ten of the eleven expelled were already sitting in place. In the middle of the room are three circles behind each other. The middle was Bleda's place.

As he expected, a rope hung from the ceiling of the room, about a meter and a half from the middle circle. Fit sitting at the end.

Bleda took a seat in the middle circle, opposite the upstairs balcony, where Krall was already murmuring the ancient text with his arms outstretched towards those sitting in the hall. The moon is slowly rising, the time is soon. The sky is clear. The light of the full moon will brighten the room.

At the same distance from the persons occupying one of the vertices of the five-pointed star-forming shape, the vertices of the pentagon forming in the middle of the shape were also occupied. Silver circles drawn around them indicated where they should stay during the ceremony. No other clothing was worn under their cloaks .

Their bodies were prepared for the long ceremony during the day by resting all day. They brought in adequate amounts of food and fluids. The recesses formed within the circles helped them to make their job easier .

The full moon reached the opening in the ceiling of the cave dome. The room was filled with moonlight.

The expelled and Krall at the same time began to murmur a text that Bleda had never heard before. The king knew the time was not yet. You have to wait for Krall to take his place. Now he was sitting in the circle behind the eleventh ousted Bleda. He formed strange signals with his hands, then extended his arms to Bleda's back. He fixed his gaze on the nape of his seat in front of him. He joined the murmur.

Bleda's arms began to weaken. His body was in a limp state. He could only lift his left arm to his mouth with extraordinary effort, but he was successful. He put the grass in his mouth and then slowly began to chew.

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