Untitled Part 167

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The evening's fun began. Attila and his entourage sat at the head of the table. Bleda has not arrived yet. According to the Advocate General, he was a little tired of the preparations, so his preparations are taking longer, but he will arrive soon. The commander-in-chief sipped the wine from his cup contentedly as he looked at Bleda's empty chair.

They spoke to Eskam that they did not cause alarm. When he learned that three thousand royal bodyguards were armed, the commander-in-chief knew that now peace could be his greatest virtue.

The capital is home to nearly twenty thousand people, most of them women and children. The elderly, who are so old, cannot be taken to war.

If they start an open clash with Bleda, they will not help the Hun empire, and the streets of the capital will be filled with disease and the smell of death. Attila wanted to avoid this, and he did so. He was talking to Réka now. He did not bother that his brother had not yet arrived. The spectacles of the festive turmoil entertained those gathered together.

- This place is wonderful, Attila. Her eyes sparkled with happiness. - It would be very ideal for raising children.

" You know I like the capital too, but there's a war," Attila apologized.

" That's what I thought, sir." I like this place and it seems safe. I hope you can sort things out with your brother, and we don't have to run away from here after you go back to the army.

The warlord now scanned his wife's gaze with interest. She knew that Réka was a smart woman, but she didn't expect that. Réka continued:

"Your efforts will be useless if you cannot accept your actions with the people and the officials." Mostly with those who stay after you go. Your followers are still here, many. But one is enough to make your blood, and those who carry your seed or sprout... — the aunt could not finish her words. Attila interrupted.

- I understand what you mean, my dear. You don't have to say it. Attila glanced at the door behind her. There he saw Oskam's worried gaze.

He got up from the table and then headed in that direction. He said he had business. The amusement of the revelers did not diminish when the warlord left.  

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