Untitled Part 79

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A faint drum began to sound in the huge upper hall. A day ago, I went to the death hall. Ibla could only hope that the high priest would return, and he would not stay where every high priest goes alone. If his mind breaks and he closes the door on himself, he will surely die in six moons. Until then, no one can go after him. This is the law. If he does not return, they must choose a new high priest. Ibla hated even the thought of the death hall. He was young, he couldn't do anything else.

He, too, ran furiously after his own father, and after ninety winters, death did not come, so he went before him. It was an unbearable feeling for him. He didn't even understand where Eskam got the strength to receive Gorda in his own mind then.

Now that a day had passed and there was still silence, they began to worry, then the drum sounded. Rhythmically signaling how the heart of Eskam beats.

Many of the talto began to gather in the hall of rites. Anonymous taltos appeared at the cave entrance. Everyone was holding their breath.

Turda, the high priest, also watched in amazement and longing for the first week, whose faces were disguised and they had already entered the hall in reverence. Then next week. And came the other six. They were ornate. They are worthy of the rite. It will take another six days from here.

The young people brought food and drinks into the room. The drummers took their seats in the hall. The apprentices sat on the floors. There was Horka and Oguz.

" Such a worldly pair of eyes has never been seen before, he was born an untold!" Horka said to Oguz.

- What's happening now?

- The unnamed taltos have arrived, Oguz. Turda, who was sitting next to little Oguz, said that. "They are members of a circle of weeks who are more powerful than the twelve." And if I'm three times a week, I'm twenty-one.

- They're only twenty.

- You're smart, Oguz. Can you count?

- Eskam taught me.

- And what else did he teach?

- Draw pictures and read them.

- That's commendable. Then you know what one and zero mean .

" I think zero is nothing and one is one." But he also said that zero can be one. Then zero is not nothing, but one and one is two.

" Are you a very smart little lad or do you hear me?"

- Who are those unnamed taltos? Why don't they have a name?

- Not to get to know them. We can't even see their faces. If you listen, I'll show them.

- You don't know them either?

- Neither do I. Only Eskam. Everyone knows him.

" That weird figure who has nice pictures." Tree, flowers, and the drawing of a man, He is the healer, out of the earth, the guardian of nature, the knower of the body.

- Who is it? Who has those weird figures? Circle, triangle, and the extended circle?

- We talk about it as being azolo, talking about this and that, talking about everything and nothing, smearing. Usually the last one in the speech. Turda smiled.

- Hihi. This is good. So you're telling?

- Yes. It tells you, but you can't really understand what you're talking about unless you pay close attention. If you didn't listen, you didn't understand his words and you also forget what the others were talking about before him. Strange is a figure.

" And what do you call the one with so many circles and lines?"

- He's enchanting numbers. Her dress and body have zero and individual. He starts talking about them when he tells them, and then calls each number. Look. There, whoever has the writing that you also learned from Eskam, knows the past. He, pointing to the one next to whom so many people's faces are drawn, knows the persons. A speaker about me, about you, about us, who sees us even when we are not where we are. And a taltos who has a large circle and two lines at the top of his head is called He-He.

- What? Oguz laughed softly. - Is he?

- Yes. This seems like the easiest, but maybe it's the hardest. He speaks of Him, asking Him for help, whom we are reluctant to say, and we are reluctant to call because He is the time. That taltos can both Deer and Oz.

Oguz started laughing louder now. He liked this many people who were so interesting and didn't look scary at all. Yet at home his father Urkon forbade him from the taltos. He said they were dangerous because they also come at night when he can't defend himself. Well, they didn't seem dangerous.

" And who has that headdress?" It is similar to Eshcam that you gave him when he went to the hall of death.

" The taltos who know Him and with him all." The charmer of time. That's the leader of everything. They are together for weeks.

" And who among them is Eskam?"

" He's the first of the twenty-one to be the leader of all, and one of the seven."

" What did they do while Eskam wasn't here?"

- They're still strong together. Then they are called twenty. And their leader was me until Eskam came back . I was the twenty-first and one of the weeks.

" Isn't it good for you now that Eskam is back?"

- It's good for me to be here. Turda was surprised by what little Oguz said. Her heart sank.

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