Untitled Part 111

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Eskam sat back among the deliberating high priests with a grim face. He had left Oguz and Ibla in the bath for a short time, but his mind was still filled with that sight. The sight of Ibla's beautiful, rejuvenated body as Oguz and I slowly walk around each other. As the woman gently strokes the young man's body and then snuggles up to it.

Eskam knew Ibla noticed him looking at them. She felt like she was enjoying it too. He was no longer wondering what was going to happen, but he didn't want to stop it either. Rather, he returned to the council. Eva may be right. There was too much near dark thoughts. Even Gorda failed. War is just that. You need to regain full control of your mind. He felt the approach of huge forces. Nor can it show a weakness in the council . There are no secrets.

He told all the members of the council in detail. About Eva, Ilda, Oguz. The council listened briefly, then Turda began:

- That's not good. One of us has to go back. Once they have finished their wedding, Ilda must be taken away.

- I'm going. The old priestess left the room.

- Oguz needs to be inaugurated. Turda's voice was serious. The other members of the council nodded in agreement. - If anyone wants to speak out against it, do it now.

- You must receive two days of continuous spiritual training. We clean it the second night. With an unusual ceremony.

- I'll call the twenty-one. - Eskam's voice was serious.

- Is everything okay high priest? Turda looked at Eszkam worriedly. - The twenty-one only inaugurates the main...

- I know. Eskam raised his hand. "I think Eva's early appearance changed the situation."

- But Eszkam. If Oguz survives the ceremony of the twenty-one, he may even be the leader of the taltos once. He hadn't been raised here since he was born. Not like us. There are things that don't even interest me, they don't even move the night away. He doesn't excel in anything. Not healing, not... - Council members took turns protesting the proposal.

- That's not an issue. That's how I decided. Eszkam interrupted.

There was a sudden silence in the room for a moment. My device has never been like this before.

" It's not time to appoint your successor." Turda's voice sounded very disappointed. - Hundreds of winters should be over. He hadn't seen a spell yet. He doesn't even know verbs. He didn't go east either. He doesn't know anything about the West either. He did not see only this of the doctrines of the five continents . We don't support it either. This is not correct Eskam.

- The meeting is closed. Prepare the hall for the initiation. The high priest meditated a little on what he heard. He felt uncertainty and frustration in council members. He decided to explain the reason for his decision. "Eva didn't approach us with benevolence." He wants the boy. Better than anyone so far. It almost burned my mind.

Turda raised his eyebrows at Eszteram. All council members knew there was a lot of trouble. Maybe they don't have two nights. Oguz is already under the power and influence of Ev . When all that Eskam said was done, not far from them he would sit on the wedding of the goddess of the earth, that he might take his child from Ilda.

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