Untitled Part 50

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The courtier said in a trembling voice:

" Attila's envoy, Eszkam will be coming to you soon." Whoever you asked, Krall won't come here. A young talt leads you to it, but you can't talk instead. Assume m can not even majesty.

Bleda looked at the young man dressed in animal skin waiting in the doorway. He motioned for him to come closer. The taltos obeyed. As he got closer, Bleda watched in amazement. He was not wearing the usual attire and ornaments.

He also held his hand strangely, as if he was constantly pointing at something. She had a headdress. Metallic. It was as if a stone shone on top of his head. She had no hair. And the childish soft part of his head was full of tattoos. It was a grotesque sight, and Bleda was not happy about it. He descended from his throne and orbited the talc. He hadn't noticed her so far, but it was as if his mouth had been sewn together at some point. Maybe it's just a tattoo. He looked better. It was more of a drawing, but it was still repulsive.

Then the priest opened his mouth as if he knew that Bleda wanted to know why he could not speak. He didn't have a tongue.

The king, with a single motion, folded the taltos on his head that had rested on his back until then, then looked around like the child they had caught on it.

- An expelled one who was silenced. - murmured.

- Sir. The courtier would have done it back . He would not have made his statement happen. He regretted looking up, seeing the movement, noticing the king's weakness.

- Accompany him to the back exit and wait there. Did they see you come in?

- Only the doormen.

Bleda nodded, then left the throne room.

Shortly afterwards, three figures left the castle. They had no escorts.

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