Untitled Part 54

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Eszkam watched as the two expelled rushed into the distance. He took his footsteps in a hurry. He looked out over a hill nearby. There was a bush on top. That will be good. Horka followed from a distance after bringing Oguz and his horses back.

The taltos went up the hill. He lit a small fire and then sprayed herbs on it. He put the fox's foot on top. He could still feel the outcast.

He sat by the fire, then stifled the flame. Strong smoke erupted. he steered him toward his face with both hands, then leaned back. He leaned on his legs, then muttered something and sat up. Devotion permeated his body.

He found himself in a cave room. Flames all around. He sat on the ground, roaring and muttering. He opened his eyes slowly, but he didn't stop roaring and muttering. Ten sat around him. He raised his head slowly. He knew what kind of room he was in, he just didn't know exactly where. There was not a single opening in the ceiling through which he could look. Ventilation is only solved from above. The body he possessed cannot be moved, so he can only look. He did not recognize any of those sitting around him. He raised his head again and looked around. He saw a gallery and then a familiar person. He stood there, next to him. Bleda. He saw him clearly. D e who's next? And then their gazes met.

- Krall !! The word left Eszkam's mouth.

Horka looked at the taltos in reverence in shock. He was already very curious about what the priest saw.

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