Untitled Part 106

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Gork watched the events from a distance. He saw Attila get hurt. He smiled, lowered his head, then shook it disapprovingly. He knew that the young boy would only be separated from painful death for a very short time. A blurred blade causes a very painful wound. He headed for the fighters. He multiplied his pace.

Jenő looked at Argos, who was approaching him. He immediately saw his anxious gaze and shared his feelings himself.

- We must stop the fight immediately.

- We can't do Argos. Jenő answered firmly. - We can't interfere in a warlord's duel.

- Yes, if you see your superiority! You know that too.

- Now Attila is hurt. Those present do not see his superiority.

Then they both turned to the fighters and held their breath. Leaning on the ground with his left hand, Attila was half-turned and stabbed Aldar's bare neck with the blunt blade in his right hand, who pushed the mountain with his bare left palm with a frightened face, piercing it almost immediately. He wanted to step back, but the shoulder of the already turned warlord reached the dere kát.

Since Attila no longer needed his left hand to support him, he reached under Aldar's feet, trying in vain to hoe awkwardly with his sword. Vulnerable, he rose from the ground as the great muscles of the great warlord's trained body began to push him upward.

Events spun so fast that onlookers in the circle, standing motionless, with open mouths, waited for Aldar's death to occur. Attila's right arm reached Jenő while ascending, who needed all his strength to give Aldar in the air enough time to fall to the ground from the pounding punch that would have killed him before his body hit the ground.

Argos pulled Aldar off the ground the moment Attila's sword pierced the ground next to his neck. Jenő fell huge, but did not let go of the warlord's arm.

Aldar looked gratefully at the two people to whom he now owes his life. His fear of death sat on his face. He left the arena with his bleeding palm.

Those around them soon returned to their busy schedule . Suddenly, no one wanted to be virtuous while practicing. They could only hope that their warlord's fighting spirit would wane and return to his tent. Attila is not a good opponent.

Gork also arrived. Praising the warlord's fighting skills, they returned to Attila's tent with Jenő.

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