Untitled Part 128

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The preparations stirred up the whole camp. Attila couldn't leave in secret, but he didn't want to. If Réka wants to take her whole entourage, it is better to speak to her as soon as possible.

" We're going home to the royal court, my dear."

- I'm not surprised. The rumor we have been circulating about your brother for months has become louder.

- What do the peoples say?

- They don't really believe it. - Réka spoke kindly. "But they're curious about your word, not word of mouth." This young taltos, on the other hand, this Velik is very convincing. He speaks nicely, and he claims you know your brother well, and you would know if you saw him, whether he was still human or something else.

- Velik, Velik. He barely came here, but many already know him. There is something wrong with this taltos. Gork is also weird when he's around. Attila's suspicion awoke.

- Tell Riume my dear. We need to know more about this young taltos. By the time we get back, I want to know who He really is.

" Don't be so distrustful of your taltos, Attila." If your thoughts are infected with this sort of thing, you will have a hard time concentrating on the war. It might be good for you to leave this huge army a little. Réka's voice was velvety. She walked over to the doorman and then whispered something to her.

Réka knew her husband well. He also had mixed feelings when Velik was around him, but he didn't want to hurt Attila's mind any further. Job b if he does not bear the affairs of the army when he goes to his brother. Let something obscure your mind. 

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