Untitled Part 166

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The Hun king stood with eleven expelled in front of the three-level altar of the magnificent underground edifice. he tried a rite that opened the gate he assumed.

His failure heightened his anger. He began to study the notes again, which he spread out in front of him. The eleven in the formation looked at Bleda in confusion and then at each other, trying to converse so as not to disturb the king. For the third time, they tried to perform different rites to open the gate.

Nor did the king notice that his bodyguard commander was entering the room. The man's mouth remained open from the sight. Never been here:

- What's this king? The question left his mouth involuntarily.

- What are you doing here ?! Didn't I say it's a forbidden area for you and everyone ?! Bleda couldn't hide her anger as she noticed the trembling legs of the commander in front of her.

The commander's fear was not unfounded. As the king began to lose his human form because of his anger. Gorda made no mention of it to him. His magic only protects his mind as long as the book is in one. Without it, Bleda's anger breaks the defense and the king can change form.

As Bleda's arms grew hairier, and her body began to grow, so did the commander's fear. It almost froze into a statue in fear. His voice was also barely:

- King. Your arms... Your body... - The man pointed trembling at the king's hand. When Bleda looked down and forced her to calm down, it was too late. The commander's mind was infected with the sight.

- Don't deal with it now. Tell me, why did you come here ?!

- We caught a spy. You had your order to report immediately. The bodyguard was already very insecure. - He couldn't get through the reinforced guard. The entire guard is armed, as you requested. And the spy is one of Attila's talents. He claims to be high priest. A woman.

- Where is he? The king became nervous again. He knew he couldn't do anything anymore. You have to fight Attila or his life is over.

The bodyguard commander stepped back and gestured toward the entrance:

- Bring it! He began to regain his spiritual strength. His fears diminished.

Those waiting in the doorway pushed the bound-handed Riume into the room. He was pushed to his knees on the floor in front of Bled. In the huge, ornate hall, the hundred soldiers who had lined up were almost lost.

- What do you want, priestess ?! The king's question was definite.

- I testified that you broke the law in Bleda. The woman's gaze was proud and challenging.

The king looked around the hall. He saw fear on the soldiers' faces. The expelled stood up from the ground. Bleda motioned for them to retreat. They lined up behind the altar and disappeared through a hiding door. The thoughts of Bleda and the outcasts became one. He felt his physical strength grow.

- What do you want to do now? Would you hurry to Attila with the news? the king's voice was contemptuous. - You know I won't let that happen.

One of the soldiers, who was closer to Bleda, now suddenly dropped his spear, which he had held in his right hand so far, and then began to run towards the entrance. Maybe he stepped ten when the king was already facing him. The soldier's throat collided with the palm of Bleda's outstretched left hand. There was only one movement, accompanied by a loud crack. The bodyguard collapsed dead.

" Who else would break his oath because he belongs to the king ?!" Bleda was already walking towards Rijeka. She was still looking defiantly at him.

" Why do you have a bodyguard if you have the power and strength to defend yourself?" The question was contemptuous. - Aren't you afraid of a woman? He showed his hand to the king. - What harm could I do to you?

Bled gestured to the commander, who cut the rope in Rijeka's hands.

" I'm really not afraid of you, priestess." Not from you, nor from Attila, or any other earthly force.

" But you're doing it wrong, Bleda." "Did Rijeka say words in moderation." - Only your body has become strong. The power of your mind is dampened by your hunger for power, which I still feel. Don't think Attila can't finish you off.

- Attila is just a man. Remember that, High Priestess. Just a man. While my power is much greater than that. You can't even figure out how much.

"Is n't it from the young talent you sent to Attila's army?" - Reached his goal with Rijeka's question. Bleda looked back at her in confusion. So far, he has turned his back on him.

- What about Velikkel? - Bleda is confused now. Well, that's why he doesn't feel Gorda's strength. - What did you do to him? You don't know what you did. He is not a bargain with worldly people...

Rijeka's eyes now stared at the entrance. His definite features so far now showed surprise and, as it were, fear. Bleda noticed the change, and she too looked in the direction of the high priestess.

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