Untitled Part 183

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The sun had already risen, and with it life filled the largest hall of the mountain of taltos, where happiness was seen by all. The children played with self-forgetfulness. The adults did their daily chores, not paying attention to the little ones. Many of the women wore clothes on their arms and headed for the cave stream. The sight filled Oguz's heart with joy. He felt he had come home as he stepped out of the cave entrance.

His companion immediately turned back, leaving him alone.

Turda looked at the cavern with a surprised face, then stood up and gestured to a nearby young taltos, asking him to tell Ibla.

Smiling, Oguz multiplied his footsteps at the sight of the familiar face, then hugged each other as they hugged. Turda immediately covered Oguz's body armor with its cloak as he noticed that pattern and said,

" Why did you come back after all this time, Oguz?" And where have you been? Talk to boy.

- I 'm not here? "Oguz was still incomprehensible."

- No. I know it arrived okay. The moon has filled the sky six times since you left. Outside, summer has turned into winter, and the landscape is white.

Oguz looked at Turda in amazement. Ibla came from the right. The boy stared at her with a joyful face. He searched his mind to greet him, but he didn't answer. He stopped a few steps from Oguz and greeted the newcomer in moderation. She was still beautiful. He wore a thick, ornate cloak against the cold, which was worthy of his high priestly office.

" Everyone thought you were dead, Oguz!" The moon filled the sky six times and we didn't know anything about you !! Who were you with ?! Did a woman take your mind? !! - Her voice was measured, stiff, and reproachful. Principal stood right next to him. Ibla uttered these words as if she was a little dizzy. Elvő reached under his arm and held him so that he would not lose his balance and cut himself off on the ground.

- I didn't know that much time had passed. Oguz began to stutter. I've never talked to him like that before Ibla.

- I'm fine, Elvő. You do not have to worry. She shifted her helping hand.

- You can't excite yourself in this situation, Ibla. You need to rest now. Come. On his advice, Ibla nodded. He turned and left in a hurry. Warmth flooded his heart. His joy began to become boundless at the sight of Oguz.

- What did you find? Oguz asked Turda puzzled as he pointed to Ibla and the departing Elven.

- Women's things Oguz. We who have lived so much have a hard time understanding this. There may be no explanation for it. You better get used to it. Come with me. You have to eat and then tell everything in the meantime. You also need to change clothes so you don't travel in this. I have a lot to say too. Eskam asked me to talk to you if you showed up here.

The two men slowly disappeared into one corner of the seemingly endless hall among the bustling people. Shortly after his arrival, Oguz left the village of Taltos on the back of his black-mane Pej horse. The horse, for some strange reason, seemed not to have aged as the horses used to. Pejt was delighted to have His rider, who thought he was alone, sat on his back again.

After a short time, the villagers retreated to their quarters to think of a storm. In the distance, a whirlwind blew up. He seemed to have sucked the snow into his huge funnel. 

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