Untitled Part 81

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Krall stepped calmly up and down in the huge cave room that was very deep under the castle. Plenty of torches, placed at different heights on the wall and in different parts of the room, illuminated the place.

Walls full of scary drawings indicated that once dark secrets were hidden here by the people who created them.

Krall first came down here with Bleda fifteen acres ago and looked at the figures on the walls.

He knew there had to be a solution here, a map, or some sign pointing the way to the book.

When Gorda first mentioned to him that he had entrusted the book to the Huns, the father of Attila and Bleda, he had no idea that one day He might come near him. He imagined that it could be something big, hardcover, a good chunky book made of paper or cloth . In his imagination, he had rotated his hands many times. He flipped through. He was still playing with that thought when suddenly a very strange thing happened.

A soft drum word began to penetrate the room. The voice came from his right hand. Rhythmically. It's like a heartbeat. If you heard right.

In the background, Bleda appeared on the flight of stairs leading down. You've already learned from the king what are the stages where you have to hold your breath if you don't want to die. Until now, it was possible to drive safely to the hall. The flights from here, on the other hand, were periodically filled with some strange-smelling gas. When the servants inhaled, they could not bear it for a long time, and he who could not get out drowned. There was no air at all on some flights. A torch could not be burned either. He had to travel blindly .

Bleda came down, noticed Krall, and hurried over to him.

- Can you hear me, my king?

- What Krall? What should I hear?

- The drum.

- It's like something from a great distance. I hear Krall. What is this? What it means?

- I don't know.

And then, something from a deep roar, a growl began to sound. The mountain rose. A slow shake began to move their legs. The circle and triangle figures on the socket came to life and turned away. The servants fled headlong out. 

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