Untitled Part 23

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Oguz breathed calmly. The thought was ready in his head . He also felt he could do it. Who wouldn't secretly crave to kill him the way he wants to. Who wouldn't think of spending his pain on who caused it, and having thousands of torments against our torment. This feeling was already captured in Attila's military camp, he only didn't understand from the blind rage, he couldn't control it. Still good.

Now he just had an idea, no other weapon. This plan was not a plan, just a thought. It was a killer.

K of drawing on his forearm slowly began araszolni prior to the palm, while the swords embracing sky blue flames shone more and more. Ke zeit hung beside him . C waited, meanwhile asking for his drawings to come to life. Let him grab them like real weapons. And what he thought came true. He came to life by crawling through the palms of his two drawn swords . Literally as if they were alive. They did not become simple swords , but sky blue. Glowing blue. As his arms plunged into the ground in an extended line, they crawled behind them, leaving a ditch half a meter behind, squeaking after Oguz , who slowly headed for the enemy again. Like two snakes, he wrapped k behind him , but others saw them as swords. Oguz didn't even guess how much.

The boy didn't even look down. He knew that what he wanted came true. What he thought became so. He didn't have to see it, he felt it. But he hadn't felt death yet. Not what He caused. He didn't mean that . Well, he was only eight, he couldn't really think.

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