Untitled Part 11

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Oguz squatted on Pej's stern. All muscles tensed. He saw the sword. Just that. Attila did not exist anymore, only the sword which the king raised to the sky, and which at one time glowed with the eyes of his blue n Oguz.

Under her distorted features, she could feel the blood vessels cracking in her ears. The distance didn't excite him. He knew he would. He needs. You can not j of why it wants, but he needs.

He's looking for a catch to bounce offett, therefore, with his bare toes he grabs Pej 's tailt. Then, suddenly, as if a storm had struck and a fearless headwind had picked up, it beginsettto move away from his coveted goal , which is already covered by a contiguous cloud of dust. 

The Hun God Swords - Angel of hopeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora