Untitled Part 119

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Krall had been waiting long enough. The sun is at the top of the sky. He thought it was time to send his spies to the mountain caves. They watched the mountain road for a long time and followed the upward-looking figure with their gaze. He has already sent two units to close the passes on either side of the mountain. If there is movement somewhere, their army will quickly reach the refugees.

Dalia returned to the village two days ago, where both her mother and father lived. According to her mother, she needs to be exposed to two moons to find out she certainly doesn't have to leave the taltos, her body won't start to change shape. He regretted having to leave Ogu there, but that was the custom here, he couldn't do anything about it.

He helped his mother and returned from the creek . The army was spotted. They multiplied their footsteps. He didn't know the painted leather figure in front of him. The ornaments on her hairless scalp were not to her liking. Her mother spoke first.

- What do you want? Why are you staring at my daughter?

- I don't want to stare. I know what you need. Krall couldn't hide his mischievous grin. He began to scratch his groin rhythmically.

- Then you can count on death. The girl's spouse is a friend of it. You can't run away from him either. Your blue swords reach your body.

- What did you say? His outstretched eyes flickered , and he no longer felt a desire for her. - Bring it to you.

Krall gestured to his soldiers, who immediately grabbed her arms. Dalia protested, shouting at her mother.

- Tell Oguz. Maternal! Tell him! The girl's mother ran towards the village.

It was a short time, and a young boy had already set off on the mountain trail, but not in the direction they had been watching so far.

- Leave it! Krall told the soldiers. - Someone go after him right away. Now I'm sure they're here. Make an army and combat tools. Set traps. The time has come. We are seven thousand. They could be about two hundred soldiers. This is the end for Eszkam.

The expelled devilish laugh was repulsive enough even for his soldiers. They started preparing for a fever. Krallt began to be surrounded by shamans. Bears and wolves came from the forest.

The villagers were inundated with fear.

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