Untitled Part 196

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The two horsemen held his horse back from a strong gallop as they reached the forest. One of his bearskin mantle got stuck in a tree branch. He got off the horse angrily, then said:

" Let's find the path, because we can't ride here on horseback."

" I want to see their faces when half of their dead get up and climb out of the pit!" Horka giggled relentlessly. "Why haven't we stayed for a short time?"

- We need to get back to the army, Horka. I still stayed a day longer than I planned. "Oskam was already measured, and they returned to the path with their horses."

From the distance there was a loud roar as huge flames blew up from under the city walls. He could also see the removable figures of the people running around.

" Several Prethorians should have been killed, Oskam." The tall warrior now smoothly smoothed his remaining hair. "They haven't had my hair cut since I was a kid."

- I'll make you a potion. Eskam said with a smile as they both boarded the horse and lowered their paripas into a slow gallop.

" You don't have to!" Horka became a little irritated, making the high priest smile. - She'll grow again.

The two figures disappeared into the fog-covered forest. If, as agreed, their shift horses are still there at the nearest camp site, they can return to the army in two nights. They could both sleep while riding.

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