Untitled Part 18

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Urkon is still staring at the whirlwind, and what glows faster than light in front of him. He blinks, and the black dot is almost a removable figure, about twice a hundred meters away.

His instinct starts his muscles. Tests are flying. Iramodik. In the field, of which he knows all the stones, and hitherto knew where to go, lest his blood should be stimulated from his barked feet, now he dies a straight d. You know, like everyone, that the shortest way to go is to go straight to where you want to go. Not in battle, it's different. But here, now, could be a battle, it can therefore run as is.

She moans softly in pace. And think in the blink of an eye of the spoken word at once, Oguz. He doesn't slow down at his frantic pace even when he's almost there, even though he already knows he can't help it. You can already see from afar that the horse's right front leg gets stuck, which it can't lift due to its apparent weight . You've seen that before, a lot. Down the hill I let the horse galloping foolish to not take the foot of the rock rolling round a UTT , and rather better to elude from it, rather than running in front of this , because after the fall of the cliff anyway extinguish.

There is no hill or rock here . Yet the sight is the same, only as if the good Pej with little Oguz under his sliding back is stretching longer on the ground.

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