Untitled Part 41

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The taltos heard three words from Oguz. Pej! My dad! Fillet! That's all.

Suddenly he backed away, then his breath almost caught. You've heard of it. His father, Gorda, told him about it. When two forces meet inside that can move the body outside as well. Because Rijeka wanted Oguz, it couldn't be anywhere else. The taltos' brain galloped quickly. His thoughts were so quick that his action hardly caught up with the commands issued by his brain.

He knew that time would pass differently inside. You can't go after them. I've experienced it many times, but it's not what it's like when there are outside signs.

- Fiumé! He hissed. - You never listen to anyone! Come out! You got what you wanted.

By the time he finished the sentence, he had already spread the potion with his index finger in Oguz's mouth, only now in a much larger dose.

- If the child dies I don't know what I'm going to do with you!

Rijeka was still floating. To my dismay, Osijek opened his eyes. He looked at her and then wanted to say words:

- I don't know! He almost sighed. - Do not let!

The priestess suddenly fell to the ground. It all took a very short time. An outside observer would have hardly noticed the whole thing.

Rijeka's body began to tremble, then abruptly stopped. His groin was flooded with hot moisture , which the soft ground immediately absorbed. Lying on the floor, he wrapped his cloak over himself, then crouched down and said nothing for a short time. He had never felt so much fear of death, ever. There was nowhere to run. They lied to him. There is no other world or z in which he has believed so far. The former was unable to control his own thoughts.

After a short time, he looked at the child, who was roaring on the floor again in a sitting position. Two drawings on the child's forearms. A drawing of a sword. They are changing. Where they are, where they are. They are very pale blue.

Rijeka looked at the taltos, then slowly got up. He took on his cloak, then tore a stripe from his undergarment, which he tied to the child's forearm, covering the drawings.

- I saw them. I felt it. There was nothing I could do. I don't know a word, a spell that would stop me. You have to take him. There is no choice. If you can't control it, then...

- Enough of Rijeka! You can't tell anyone about that. I've heard of it. I will take you to the mountain where my father's book is kept.

- Do it. And don't even come back. Never.

Fiume cut another strip from her dress, then blindfolded the child. Meanwhile, the savages around them slowly began to subside. Only the birds were feasting. 

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