Untitled Part 171

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Rijeka slowly began to walk past the soldiers, whose attention was drawn to the conversation between the two royal blood.

The high priestess felt the time had come. The moon is already high in the sky. He walked right past the wall, behind the soldiers. He searched the place with his hands, which was also indicated by the Rovs. He touched a handle in the gap in which even an adult male hand could comfortably reach. He pulled it toward him slowly.

My device saw the patterns covering the ceiling slowly begin to move. He knew it was time. He closed his eyes and fell in reverence. In his mind he called the twenty-one serving the Hun king.

The talts entered the room through the entrance. Gorda's attention immediately turned to them.

- What are they doing here? Gorda addressed his question to Bleda. - Did you order them here?

- No. The king's response was brief.

- So. Gorda continued, turning back to Attila. "Your mind is a sharp warlord, like I said." but you can no longer prevent your army from being slaughtered.

"You don't seem to understand anything about command." The Hun Empire is not threatened by an enemy. Attila shook his head as he walked backwards in front of Bleda and Gorda.

" There is an insoluble opposition between the Roman Empire of East and West, the Orientals will not attack us," Bleda explained loudly, waving.

- The opposite is just a disguise. Bleda. The empire was divided in two because the area was too large to be safely controlled from one center. but the orders, if necessary, are given in the same way from Rome, and the Eastern Empire must follow the strategy pursued in the war. It's just an appearance of what they're pretending to be Bleda. If you go east and your legions are unprepared or slaughtered. They see the Hun empire as an enemy. You don't matter, neither do I. The Hun empire lives as long as our blood sustains it.

" They will not sacrifice hundreds of thousands of their soldiers to defeat us when we do not endanger them." Gorda once again felt like he was talking wisely.

- You're a priest, Gorda. A high priest who lived through the building of the Roman Empire. You had to see what they were doing. In addition to imperial warlords in the East, who else is a Roman soldier? Mond Gorda? Who? - Attila was angrier now. "Answer me, how many Roman citizens will be lost if war is fought there ?!"

The taltos now listened to shaking his head, then spoke softly, meanwhile staring at Attila, who was now soot black:

- It doesn't matter, Attila. All that matters is that in your absence, with the slaughter of your army and the Roman legions and the loss of Bleda, there will be millions of dead, and their consciousness will serve me in the afterlife. Gorda wanted to leave as he finished his monologue. Then he felt tremendous pressure on the back of his neck. He turned slowly, then looked toward the center of the room.

My device stood in the middle of the circle, which was under the dome-shaped ceiling. He spread his arms and put them in front of him. He murmured his word as the image of the rising moon appeared on the ceiling.

" It's not time for the full moon." Gorda hissed. His gaze scanned the masses of soldiers.

He was looking for the man who could do it. He knew Oskam was not the child of the moon. He is a celestial talent. He knows the verbs and has read the pages of his book, but Oskam does not have the power of the moon even if he used the gateway. Gorda's practiced eyes soon found the servant of the queen of the night. He made his way to it.

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