Untitled Part 95

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Trios was shocked by the scene before his eyes. He could see for himself that the child who sent him here really did exist. He was far away from them, but as the blue-blazing boy appeared, he immediately headed for it.

You've heard what they're talking about. The trio stopped abruptly. The boy took wings on his back. The sound that accompanied him was explosive , pushing the soldier to the ground.

Then he got off the ground and one of them shouted after him. - Oguz !! Trios heard the name, then saw with his own eyes that the child was listening to him and to who was shouting that name.

- So that's what they call it !! Arrow!! This is your name!! Trios muttered loudly, then hid. He saw it better that way.

The events were already fast. All participants disappeared, the black-winged figure flew away. Then a new person appeared. A taltos priest who was young. He stood puzzled. Trios went to him. He called.

- Who are you?

- I don't know. - The uncertain answer came. - I do not remember anything.

- That's weird. Trios watched the young tally in surprise. "If that's the case, you have to come to the priests with me !!" Fast!!

The two figures set off together. A dark cloud over the gate began to flow over their heads. Trios had a very bad feeling. He liked this place. He didn't want to leave.  

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