Untitled Part 47

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The next day, the terrifying Hun army was preparing to depart. The demolition of the camp will take some time. The captured scouts said the Roman Legion is on for two days of riding, there are two more for a day that can be easily avoided. The Hun sere g also exhibits ten legions. They will not attack in their minds either. The nearest town to which they are struggling is a week away. The plan is good. They can't even lose a battle.

Eszkam left the camp with three horses. One was lame on his front leg. In front of him sat a blindfolded boy with a warm animal skin mantle

Horka rode right behind them. He still had two huge horses behind him. One is for food, the other is for a tent. If you get cold in the cold on the way home, they can't move every day, only at a better time. The battle tent can be assembled quickly. It can also hold horses. It protects them from the cold. And the bodies of the animals provide enough heat even with a small fire to rest themselves. A single person is enough for night guarding. That was Attila's request. Horka also goes with them to make sure they reach Bleda and the capital.

The journey can take up to a full moon in winter. So about three acres of time, and the other half of the army arrives. By then, winter may have eased. That's what Attila calculated. If Bleda sends the soldiers. And why not.  

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