Untitled Part 179

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They began preparing in the throne room early in the morning. Attila was still asleep at the time from the decoction he had received from Eskam. The sun was already at the top of the sky when the royal chief councilor announced and ordered them to be brought to every corner of the empire, Bleda's body sick. His pains are great, and so he cannot perform his duties as ruler. For this reason, he bestows the royal title on his brother, Attila, with all the power of dignity on that day. The news spread rapidly in the empire among the Huns. Some in the more distant parts have already raised the news of Bleda's death, and this has not been refuted.

Attila received his royal crown after a short ceremony. The blessing was given by Eskam. All the main guests coming to the capital were present at the event. There was no contradiction in the identity of the king.

Attila briefly outlined his wish for a war against Rome and his appointment as Viceroy of Bleda to protect the eastern part of the country. He took the news of this in writing to the east, to the capital there, where he also designated Bleda's residence. He also ordered a speech about him in the West.

When his wish was recorded, and with it the messengers solemnly left, Attila stood up from the throne room on the magnificent, cute, silvery throne brought to the ornate wooden platform of the huge square of the capital.

She shone with a golden crown on her head. He put the golden gold right in his hand and the golden apple. He reached for his gold-handled sword hanging from his side, then pulled it out and raised it above his head.

The feet of a crowd of tens of thousands of people at his feet shook. People fell to their knees. Old people, young people, women, children. Those sitting in his arms fell silent at once, their cries no longer heard. Suddenly there was a silent silence, not even the sound of the wind could be heard, and then the word left the lips of those present at once:

- Blessing! - and those who said they believed it. It was repeated three more times.

Attila was sensitive to the sight. Tears rolled down his face, then he closed his eyes, and then he was very surprised. His mind was shivering with a pleasant tingling that was unmatched. He felt his body light, meanwhile he saw the dream before him, of which he had long spoken to Eskam.

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