Untitled Part 182

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The reception of the mighty Hun king was worthy of his person, and of an empire of which he was an all-powerful lord. The slave peoples who provided for the huge army were as astonished as their armies of millions.

He knew all that, Attila had brought them their freedom, and they had blindly followed him to his death. Well, they were here. Death in a ruthless throat. They had no idea how close it was.

The fun lasted for five days and five nights. Everyone benefited from the good of the earth. I had to, so before the battle. On the sixth day a stone arrived at the camp, which rather gave the appearance of a city for a long time.

The envoy came from Flavia. The commander urged a trial. Only with Attila. Personally. Preparations had already begun in the middle of the expansive wilderness of a half-day walk, where he thought of the venue.

Attila wanted time. He was waiting for another king with a huge army, so he didn't feel the time was right for a trial.

He sent the ambassador back by sending people to build the place where their trial could take place.

The king arrived that evening, waiting for him. Attila received him with a worthy feast in his magnificent tent.

Fifty leaders sat at the table for almost two. And when the doormen opened the tent door, he was fifty with the entrance and the throne.

" Welcome, King of Ancient Nations!" - Attila's cordial greeting was worthy of the arrival.

" And not Attila, who recently became king of the Huns."

Jenő and Gork, standing next to Attila, bowed deeply to greet the arriving, as did the servants, to whom he did not pay attention. He stepped before the throne and began:

- Why did you send for me?

- Didn't the messenger deliver my message? Attila mimicked amazement.

- You know an oath is tied to Rome.

- You're here after all. The answer was sharp.

- Shall we negotiate before them? The guest pointed at those sitting at the table.

" If you accept my offer, what is said here will belong to them in the same way as it does to me." This makes it simpler, and your words are not taken second hand.

" Why would I give my hundreds of thousands of soldiers into your hands, say?" What can you ask what Rome does not? How different are you if you consider yourself that?

"I 'm not offended by your words, although I could." And I know your soldiers are just like you. You don't know fear, and you show it. Those present nodded. "I don't think I can offer you anything more or less than those who are here to serve."

" Let me hear then, what would be different from serving Rome."

" When the war is over, you can rule your country with your own laws, according to your own faith."

- Will Rome leave this? What will ensure that you do not redistribute your arbitrariness?

" In peacetime, you will provide an army of ten thousand men to the Hun Empire and maintain the appropriate amount."

- What's in it for me? The king pointed at those sitting at the table. "If what you said, you're going to be the real lord of an army of half a million soldiers when the war is over !?" We will be at your discretion.

- I assure you that...

- You? The king's voice rose slightly. "In what ways can you take responsibility for your descendants who will follow on the throne?" The king shook his head.

Attila leaned forward on the throne, then continued with a smile:

" The army will be led by a council of war, made up of those present and their descendants, as they do now." Attila rose from the throne and walked slowly down to the table. - The head of the council will be elected periodically on the basis of a proposal from the members.

" Why such an army if Rome loses in the war and perishes?" The guest was calmer now.

" No one here wants the loss of millions of innocent citizens of Rome." Attila pointed around the audience, who nodded firmly. - we just want to push back his legions and our lands. If you no longer want to please your people as citizens of Rome, and you do not want to erect statues in your cities for the Roman gods and their emperors, who have shown themselves as gods in their lives, then this is the place for you.

The guest liked the offer. He nodded and shook hands with Attila, then headed for the other end of the table. Smiling, he watched as a tablecloth awaited him at the table. An informal conversation began in the hall, no one mentioning the doubts of the newly joined king. They all remembered accepting Attila's plans when it was their turn. 

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