Untitled Part 193

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As Attila seemed to shudder at his first contact, he slowly began to eat again. Flavius ​​was pleased with the effect. He also snacked on, as if their topic was as natural as possible, and they discussed children and women like old friends. He didn't expect any other reaction from Attila. He would have reacted that way. At least that's what he thought. The Hun king now smiled and drank from the cup, then said:

- If I say no? - the question was definite.

- Then we will all perish here. Nearly two million people Attila. As a king, you can't want that either. Flavius ​​spoke while eating, then drank.

Attila's attention was not escaped by the general's confidence. They ate in silence, drank, and then, Flavius ​​looked questioningly at the Hun king, as if he did not understand what he was hesitating so much about. Attila wiped his mouth, then said with complete composure, as worthy of a king,

- I think you have an idea how to proceed. He poured himself honey wine again, then began to stare with interest at the beautifully carved pipe on the other table. He would have liked it, now the smoke, and he slowly turned his attention to it.

Flavius ​​smiled, then stood up, waving to explain. He tried to stay calm. He was a little disturbed that Attila spoke very little, almost not asking. He explained that the Hun king was listening with interest to the plans of the greatest warlord of the Roman Empire. At least that's what Flavius ​​thought, and he thought so. He outlined in detail how long it would take, who still needed to know that Attila would be emperor of the Roman Empire. Then, when he came to outline the plans for the mimic battle, Attila calmly asked:

- And why after the next full moon? Why not now?

- I told you, Attila. It takes time for the right people to be notified of the plan. They can begin preparations for your coronation. Everything has to go smoothly. The key to the city is with the High Priest of Rome. Flavius ​​argued calmly. He didn't want to arouse Attila's suspicions.

" I wonder why we need fifteen thousand victims from both sides?" Why not less enough. A fight of at least a week, if not more. And the dead must be cleaned up in the meantime. - Attila was measured and brittle.

- This will make your victory more believable. Confusion?

- No. The coldness of the Hun king began to annoy Flavius. He wondered in his mind how such practical things could come to Attila's mind. He did not think about these, and he began to be disturbed by the thoughtful thinking of this man. "Nevertheless, we have to reckon with the epidemic that could start among the service staff because of the abundance of corpses. Even if they disperse and migrate to their cities, the disease can spread. But then my taltos will solve it.

"There have always been, and will be, victims." Especially if we build such a huge empire. Flavius' voice became tense at Attila's words, which did not escape the attention of the Hun king. - Did we agree then?

- Meg. The answer was ice cold. - We agreed. I accept Rome's offer, and with it the imperial throne.

" You should still write this, King." I can see your seal here too. So more authentic.

Attila nodded, then went to the prepared table, where he began to write on a piece of paper stretched out on a wooden board. With rosés at the top and Roman at the bottom. He signed and then placed his seal on it. The Roman general knew the Hun robes. He knew what Attila was writing. He liked the text. He also signed and then placed the Seal of the Roman Empire at the bottom.

- You don't need a copy king? Flavius ​​wanted to joke with his question, his voice sounding complete satisfaction.

- No! For us, the word of the Hun king is worth more than any writing.

Flavius ​​smiled at Attila's words, then began to read the writing again with satisfaction:

"I, Attila the King of the Huns, accept:

Rome offered the imperial throne by the right of my blood, as given by the king of kings.

Here I reveal in writing what I think and believe with all my heart towards Rome:

I, Attila, who is the king of the Huns, are the lord of the known world from today, thanks to Nimrod and his will. My ancestor's shield protects. Let me strike with the sword against all my people. "

Flavius ​​smiled at the writing and was pleased, very much. "What would you fall for if you didn't do that? Attila! You're going to hell for that, and you've given evidence. " With this thought in the Roman she smiled, and they both left the building. The sun was already shining on top of the sky.

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