Untitled Part 194

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The Roman high priest nervously began to read the next written paper in front of him as he threw the previous one aside. The taltos broke according to the description and began to speak as the abnormally grown finger of his left leg was slowly skinned and then cut off. It was as if he had the strength to do so. This was recorded by the interrogating Pretoriaian, and also by the fact that the chief priest confessed this. And also, the greatest talts have one. Either with teeth or with multiple spinal bones with other outgrowths. It can be anything, just more than ordinary people. This is where the talts differ, their magic there.

Five more of the Roman priests were immediately called, and even two scribes, who were to be present at the interrogation of Oskam. The taltos' speech, which was also shown by the papers towering around the high priest, was very long. The sun had risen for the third time, and the scrolls were gathering. Eskam seemed to tell the Taltos everything that had to be written down almost literally at the Emperor's command. It also seemed like everything that was described seemed true. The speech was already being copied. That was all, the high priest of Rome could only read them superficially. It was as if he was looking for something. When he saw it, he anxiously took the parts where Eszkam testified about the residence of the taltos. Water drops appeared on his forehead as he read the list. He had reviewed the plenty of places for the third time, believing that the seven hills, and even to his knowledge, some were not on the list.

He leaned back slowly on his mighty throne, then whispered half-crying in front of him with teary eyes, softly:

- Eskam. You old fool. Well, your truth is still in your mind. What are you up to? Even before your death, do you only do good to those who betrayed you? The high priest burst into a low sob, then slowly took a piece of paper in front of him, which had been written in advance.

He accepted the full testimony of Eskam as authentic and complete. He also provided for the concealment of copies of documents.

He was still working for a short time, then glanced at the servant in front of him, who began to crackle to get the high priest's attention. He noticed and looked at the newcomer questioningly, who started:

"Your Majesty. All I want - and he took out a roll that he began to unwrap on a board - is that you should sign this provision."

- Already? I thought I could talk to the taltos before I had to sign his execution order...

- Oh , oh! Not Your Majesty. There's no such thing. The execution of the talts had already been ordered by the emperor, saying he did not want to live in fear once more because he did not dare to sleep for two nights... - the high priest motioned for the servant to say the point, who understood the sign. - This is an epidemiological provision. Doctors are asking for the blessing of the church for the mass cremation at the outer wall of the city because of an outbreak in the imperial prison. The killer disease killed quickly, and ugly, ulcerated. That is why they even ask for a priest, whom they will not regret if they become infected, to help the souls of the dead to the afterlife. Nearly a hundred died there from some strange disease, which also killed the two talents, then fifty Pretoriaians, and nearly the same number of prisoners. Luckily, the taltos made his speech, and they were all able to record it. The scribes also died, and so did the five priests who were still there. I would also seek the help of your healers. The emperor is terrified again. He considers the infection a curse of the taltos and wishes them even more death.

The high priest signed the order and then motioned for the servant to leave after telling him who to look for in writing, who would then serve the requests of the imperial doctors. After leaning back on his huge throne, he looked at himself with a troubled face. He placed his hand on the infected side.

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