Untitled Part 158

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The young warlord sat on the throne as a phlegm. He stared at the carved ceiling, leaning his left foot over the armrest of the chair, leaning back halfway, and looking at the columns glorious in the beautiful gold ornament. Aldar was sometimes pleased that Attila was not present and did not take down his throne. The reason was that if a visitor comes or follows, your reception may be worthy.

Jenő walked up and down in front of the throne with his back. For the first time, he was still disturbed that Aldar was spreading on Attila's throne, but he was used to it. Their conversation was interesting. To the right of the throne, Gork also listened with interest to the two secular warlords, the councilor. They were ordered a terrible army.

" Would we finally attack the heavy-armed infantry?" . Aldar tried to talk to Jenő in a normal voice. He respected the warlord, who was also his teacher, and had saved his life many times.

- We can't underestimate Flavia. Look at Aldar. This situation is not easy. Roman warlords do not just openly fight with armies of this size. They also cheat. This war is long. We must also heed the words of the scouts, Aldar. We must not forget, it was also reported, that heavy weapons were constantly being transported to Katalaunumia. Jenő reasoned, meanwhile with his sword on a huge map spread out on the ground. - Chariot caravans carrying heavy weapons have been seen here, here and here...

- Jenő can't move in that. They are worth nothing to our archer riders!

- I told Aldar. Read the notes I gave you. It describes how many battles it has. It is a war made up of battles. Not to focus on a single battle...

- Read !! Why when you tell me what is in those scriptures. Attila said let's take the whole main army to Katalaunum. I think this should be done...

- Aldar. You are a smart young man. But young! Gork felt the need to speak now. - You're facing Flavius. If you don't intercept your shipments, you can finish your plan ahead of time. It will be an advantage.

- What are your plans? Aldar smiled. "Do you stand up with the heavily armed infantry to the scorching sun and hide from the archery of hundreds of thousands of cavalry?" Aldar's voice was contemptuous. "They cook in the tremendous heat like crabs in their own armor as they hide from shields under shields in the middle of the battlefield. We surround them with two hundred steps, they will not be able to move or they will be dead. Because of the heat, they throw away their shields and become bare targets for our archers, plus on foot. Let them take that much iron! There is no need to get involved in a fight now and cause human loss to ourselves.

" You really haven't read the notes, Aldar!" Gork smiled. "Listen to Jenő's words, Aldar."

- Flavius ​​has already built the heavy-duty movable walls of Aldar. He chased an army of ten thousand with four thousand legionaries without a fight. Soldiers on the battlefield are not behaving in the usual way. Roman heavy armor obscures the number of participants. Not to mention that if you have unnecessary shields, spears, eight of them can build a high wall behind which you can't see the movement of your troops with the naked eye.

- Wall? Aldar laughed. - How? Now he leaned curiously over the notes, one of which was selected by Jenő and placed before Aldar. The warlord began to explain the figure to Aldar.

- Long, thin trees are cut down from the woods. These are stripped straight and then tied together in such steps. So, as you can see here. They cross them on top of each other and get a huge frame.

" It's like a fence we build against the wild, only much bigger." Aldar stared at the drawing with his mouth open.

- It really is. When done, the excess shields are placed on the frame, giving them a cohesive wall that is lifted from behind to raise it. That's how they do it.

- That's awesome. Aldar was amazed now. - How do you get through this? I think it can be decided...

- Yes. If you know they're making this, and there's no oil pit in front of it, where they put a fire. If there is no scaffolding behind it, and the mass of soldiers is really behind the wall. If they only do one, and not one on each side, or more farther apart. If our scouts are not killed until they return...

- Don't go on, Jenő. I understood. What to do?

- We have to decide. One of us has to stay in the camp while the other marches against the legion carrying heavy weapons at dawn. Jenő looked at the boy with a smile.

- If you didn't mind Jenő, I'd go...

- It's up to the military council to decide. We need to call together. Jenő gestured to the doorkeeper who sent for the kings.

After a short time, the room was filled with the leaders of an army that had already swelled to hundreds of thousands, who were deliberating overnight. At dawn, Jenő left at the head of an army of thousands of cavalry, with two more leaders. Aldar went to his tent with a tormented face and notes under his arm so he could stand for him to read after resting.

From the door he looked back at the huge throne that towered there opposite the entrance. He felt Attila sitting in the chair. He wanted to see it with his own eyes, the huge warlord was not there, only his imagination was playing with him. After the night's deliberations, he vowed: he would no longer sit on the throne.

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