Untitled Part 38

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In the upstairs tent there are beautifully carved tables among beautiful fabrics, full of fruit, in more beautiful bowls. Gold and silver, noble wild leather everywhere. Soft pillows, fabrics, curtained beds, carved columns.

Aldar looked around in amazement. He had never seen such wealth and splendor in one place. And the woman who accompanied her here. She was so beautiful that she could barely take her eyes off her. He noticed it when he saw it in front of the tent, but then he didn't even dare look at it. But now there were two of them and that made him bolder.

- Did you find the sword? Réka's voice was soft and reassuring. Aldar wanted to tell almost everything and he started.

- Yes. I was in the field when a ray of blue light slammed into the ground and my brother fell off the horse, but he had never done one before and then I ran. Then there was that sword on the ground and I ran with it to Attila.

- What's your name? Smiling, Réka tried to calm the young man, who was visibly intoxicated by the sight around him.

- Aldar. His name is Aldar. My father Urkon, my mother ...

- Ilda. Réka said, then her voice trailed off and her face frowned. He raised his right arm in the air and then suddenly turned away.

It was a long time ago, maybe twelve winters had passed since Attila became the first woman and their souls were united at the ceremony. He still clearly remembers when he called Urkon and married Ilda as fast as he could before three moons passed.

They were prepared for war. He didn't want to talk to Attila, and he couldn't send the branch home to Bleda, as usual.

Réka looked at herself in front of her and didn't understand anything for a moment. Magic is the world of taltos priests and not his. He had always been a believer in real thoughts, he could not sleep with devotion, but now he was uncertain for a moment.

How is this possible? How can this happen? Is Attila's dream coming true Aldar? But Réka is a strong woman, her mind is simple, she is looking for another explanation.

- Who's your brother? What is the name?

- Oguz.

- How old are you?

- Eight.

- Are you riding? Do you have long hair?

- Yes. Pej a lova. Black.

Réka still remembered the whirlwind and the feeling of what had caught her then.

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