Untitled Part 132

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When Attila and his huge entourage left the army, Velik called Gork aside. The face-to-face conversation began in the old talt tent. There, Gorda took on his own shape. They discussed the situation at length.

" I haven't sensed Krall in a while." "Gorda considered it important to mention this."

- Indeed. It's weird, too. Gork looked at the high priest a little puzzled. He didn't know if Gorda would test his allegiance or if he would really be bothered by his disappearance.

" Maybe he found Eskam."

- Maybe. But that doesn't explain his complete disappearance. "Gork is just beginning to understand why this is important to Gorda."

" But if the thoughts about Oguz are true, he may not be alive anymore." This is a much bigger problem than you might think Gork.

" How could a single man end up with a shaman who has become a shaman and thousands of his soldiers?"

- You see, this question worries me too. Gorda's face became troubled, and then he could suddenly hide his anger. "Bled, you cheeky, power-hungry traitor," Gorda hissed.

- What happened?

- The book. Bleda opened the book.

The next moment, Gorda picked up Velik's face again, then fell in awe. Maybe he still has time. Thought.

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