Untitled Part 91

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The place was strange. Everything seemed so blurred, then slowly the image cleared. Oguz was a little frightened, but his initial fear dissipated. Eskam stood in front of him and two other figures he had never seen before. One is further away. Against the other Oskam.

The boy tilted his head slightly, looking at the receding figure. He felt a desire to go after him.

His body began to burn in blue. Eskam's consciousness felt that the problem was great. Something is not going to happen here that they are not prepared for. He was right.

Out of Oguz's back grew flaming blue wings that looked huge relative to his body. But not slowly, but as if they had exploded. The sudden pressure pressed them to his knees, and also to Oguz, so he had to lean on his right hand. The sound that accompanied the phenomenon was also written . As the boy slowly stood up, he looked at his huge wings.

The remote-release figure also grew wings, then flew up. His shape turned dark. His wings turned black and it was as if he had fled.

Oguz rose from the ground with a flick of wings. The breeze repelled those left down.

- Oguz !! Shouted Eskam, whose words reached the child's brain. - Come back now !! Let!!

- What are you doing here? Where are we? The child landed on the ground, then his wings retreated into his body. He turned to Gorda. - Who is he?

Gorda fell to the ground. He began to murmur softly. Not far from them a very faint figure was outlined. Eskam looked over there and immediately recognized Krall. Her body floated upside down. Oskam tried to observe as closely as possible his translucent floating body, along with his translucent floating body. He saw a bear-like creature lurking on the ground. Krall's body hovered over a circle. Further away is a huge steel-like box. There are taltos around him. Maybe three or more.

Gorda's consciousness suddenly flew towards Krall's body. There was a dazzling white flash. The picture is gone. 

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