Untitled Part 129

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The young woman was beautiful as she spread her clothes in front of the tent. Her mother just watched as her graceful body followed exactly the movements she had already learned. Ever since the priestesses started teaching her daughter, she has been making her clothes even nicer.

The behavior of young men also changed around him. They didn't dare look at her anymore. They were also staring at her mother when they spoke to her. He missed the funny remarks and seemed to be talking to a mistress. His untouched body seemed to make it even brighter.

No problem. This is what the young girl's mother thought many times.

Now, from the soldiers' tents, a one-armed man rushed toward them, waving fiercely at the woman to get his attention.

She turned to her daughter, then said kindly:

- Fillet. My dear. Your father is coming.

- Apu, apu! The beautiful woman threw everything away, began to run towards her father, who leaned forward panting because of the shortness of breath caused by the rush.

- Get dressed, get ready. He gasped. "We're leaving before night falls." We go to the Hun capital with Attila.

- Apu. Where do you get this?

- Réka's servant said. The carts will be here in a short time. We can only carry what we can pack up until then. You don't have to think about food. We accompany Attila. He was still gasping for air.

- Everyone? Filen's mother asked her husband.

- Yes. - The answer came. They also say that the concubines and Réka will not return either. Attila is preparing for war. The women and servants remain in the capital.

The woman began to capture the concern. Attila still didn't see her daughter, and Réka didn't need her either. Just that weird priestess. The reason may be that of Rijeka who visited so much. If Attila falls in the war, maybe his brother, maybe m ajd Bleda will accept his daughter. If it hadn't been for Philene, they would have starved to death. There is still hope.

The chariot did not arrive much.

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