Untitled Part 109

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Gork walked up and down around the big table in the tent. Meanwhile, he watched Attila as the camp healing priest pressed on his naked torso, then looked at his ribs one by one. The warlord hissed.

- The bone isn't broken.

" Then go and see Aldar's injury." "Attila's fighting spirit was over, and now he was grateful to Jenő for not letting Aldar get seriously injured or hearing him."

" Ever since you've been staring at your sword so hard, you've been making it harder for Tolila to put up with it." It used to be enough for you to break a bone. They hardly dare v food fight your people. You scare them.

- The good Jenő, who always tells the truth. He turned to Attila's counselor. - If you fight, it happens. I don't want to talk about this anymore.

- I should. Réka's voice sounded kind. - You've really changed since...

- Rék a. My dear. You know I always value your advice, but it's a male thing now. It should not...

- Maybe. But you shouldn't kill your adopted son either. She walked angrily toward the stairwell.

Attila didn't really understand his sweetheart's outburst .

- He'll reconcile. - Gork was measured.

The doormen opened the tent door. Itlar entered, then knelt before his master.

- The scouts sent a report. The Roman legions unite with the other tribes at Katalaunum. The Roman emperor sends an ambassador. It is said that the moon is filled seven more times and Flavius ​​Aetius arrives at the head of the enemy armies. Several tribes join it. The Roman emperor sends envoys to you, - With this the soldier stood up. Attila motioned for him to leave.

- Jenő. Send more scouts everywhere. Also send ambassadors to neighboring kingdoms. Flavian should be taken seriously. The Roman emperor seems to have satisfied the tribute. The general began to get dressed.

" If you will allow me, sir. That was to be expected." In the present situation, it would be more favorable for us to join the Katalaunum. Gork was really excited now. Ever since he felt Krall's presence again, he had longed for the big battle.

- Why do you think Gork? Jenő asked the old tally skeptically. Attila also turned to him with interest. - Hundreds of thousands of people can go there .

" The presence of huge masses does not necessarily mean the destruction of all soldiers. You know that too. However, the names of the warlords remain. Even in the event of a victory, his reputation is enough to evoke fear in his opponent. Then there is no need to go to war. Gork argued firmly and convincingly, though he didn't believe a word of his own.

- What would be our goal with that? We would have to kill a lot of people by the time we get there. Attila shook his head. - That's not why we came. The goal would have been to unite the kingdoms, but not to conquer and subjugate them. We are here to carry out the plan of my ancestors.

- That's why. There are victims in war. Who calculates that a thousand or a hundred times as much is taken there? As long as you live, the ideas of your ancestors live on. A man cannot live forever. The secular man dies. Except...

- What are you talking about, Gork? Jenő burst into the old taltos now. "Don't infect our warlord's mind with that." With taltos tales. Nimrod is just a legend.

- Nimrod is not a legend Jenő. He is one of my ancestors. We're talking about it now. So the thought is here. With all three of us. This is real. You have to accept. If I fail, they will be forgotten. My name will never be mentioned anywhere. Neither can you. Attila spoke to his adviser in a friendly voice.

" King can't take part in initiation either." Otherwise... - Jenő stopped the sentence as Réka appeared at the top of the stairs.

- Women. Attila smiled. - I'll go right now, darling.

" I overheard what it was about." - Réka couldn't stand it without a word.

- War is not for woman's ears. Gork tried to divert the word.

- There is still a war. Gork. Because I'm not fighting, I'm not worth less than you. Her voice was reprehensible.

- I know, Réka. It was not my intention to offend you. Accept my apology.

Réka gestured to Gork that enough of the speech was enough. He turned to Attila, walking to him.

- Is my device not coming back? She looked irritated.

- I sent for it. I hope you arrive soon. What's the matter?

- Your conversation. Attila. Bad thoughts dominate your mind. It is still huge . Don't tempt your destiny.

Gork frowned at the news. He was not happy about the arrival of Eskam. After Jenő He also left the tent. 

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