Untitled Part 190

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Accompanied by the Hun king, he arrived at the building, one side of which was occupied by Jenő and the other side by Platonius, who arrived with Flavius. Attila and Flavius, worthy of unity, left their weapons with their companions, then entered the building, which their men had previously inspected, and now they were gone. They were both prepared for the spectacle, so they did not eat breakfast. The scent of fresh roasts and fine, honey wine permeated the ornate room, which seemed worthy of such a trial.

The two people took their seats opposite each other and then saw him for breakfast. Flavius ​​broke the silence:

" I hear Bleda reassured his viceroy."

" You have to do good in your life before you have a chance, Flavius." Attila cut back to the edge with a slight smile on his face.

- Stay away from me to hurt you. I could only hope that such a vast empire as that of the Huns would appear in royal dignity at a trial.

"Do you know the emperor's wish and will?" Or am I wrong about Flavius? I am not surprised that your emperor is a coward and pulls himself in Rome when his soldiers shed their blood for him.

- What is the intention of Attila? Do you want the destruction of Rome? What is your purpose with this? The Roman Empire is now more powerful than ever. You can't win.

" I know that because of your deceitful, deceptive game, other kings do not see, Rome and East are one, and you want everything."

- The light of your mind is still shining. It is no accident that you learned so much in Rome, and now you would destroy the city, what knowledge did you give you from which you organized your empire and operated its vast machinery?

" The rule of the Hun Empire is based on ancient traditions!" Attila's voice became a little more irritated, which did not escape Flavius' attention. "And it works better than yours, where the master became insane and deceitful." You don't trust anyone...

- That's exactly what Attila is all about! Flavius ​​saw the time had come to come up with his offer. - The Roman emperor is unfit. Her blood is disabled, spoiled. Even the servants do not want a descendant of him. People don't trust their core! The commander now paused, staring at the king. - But the nations will see your fortress! As the emperor of Rome, you could be the lord of the world, Attila !!

The effect was overwhelming. Confusion, confusion, and shock sat on the face of the Hun king. He began to push the food in front of him. He reached nervously for the cup and then pretended to drink. From a distance, a voice began to repeat in his mind, "If you want, you can be the lord of the world." And again, he heard the distant voice. Memories flashed sharply in his mind as he dipped his sword into Bleda. He saw himself as a child again. Then he saw himself with his blue glowing sword in his hand, and millions of faceless peoples were kneeling at his feet.

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