Untitled Part 112

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The old priestess arrived slowly shuffling. He stopped at the entrance to the bath, then listened. It was completely empty. Cement. He lit the torch on the wall and looked around. No one was in there.

On the other side of the hallway came the sound of a soft sob. The old priestess slowly stumbled over, then at the light of the torch she saw the beautiful shower of blonde hair almost covering her whole body, which was shaking with a soft cry. She sat on the floor, her hands clasping her lower legs.

He could feel the air moving next to him from the old Taltos woman's dress. A torch shone brightly around him .

Ibla looked up at the old woman, who signaled in amazement with her mouth open. She jumped down next to Ibla in delight and began stroking her face. She must have been barely twenty. Her beautiful face just shone with youth. His cried eyes betrayed unfulfilled love.

- Honey. The old woman's voice was soft. - says what happened?

- He's gone. Oh my God. Nothing. He left here. He sensed I didn't want to and left here.

- Oh, my child. "He felt like he had to listen now." He just softly stroked the huge tufts of hair.

Ibla felt a good feeling. His sobs slowly subsided, then he completely regained control of his mind. He looked ahead and stood up.

Ibla and Elvő entered the council chamber when the high priests were about to leave. The sight of the young woman amazed those present. I wasn't even surprised.

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